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Название темыОгнестрельное оружие?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=3613&mesg_id=3729
3729, Огнестрельное оружие?
Послано guest, 16-07-2007 10:19

<<<<<<One critical question finds allow us to answer is when? The relative sequences of structures and deposits are uncovered through stratigraphic excavation. Associated finds allow us to fix absolute date ranges. Occasionally we can identify in the ground the traces of a known historical event. An obvious case for Pompeii is the eruption of Vesuvius in A.D.79. Another is the siege of Pompeii by the Roman general Sulla in 89 B.C.. This was part of the Social Wars between Rome and her southern Italian allies. We can see this event because we have found the stone balls and sling shots fired at the city by Sulla's armies--and their effects on Pompeii's buildings. The stone balls fall into three calibers and match the impact marks still visible on the exterior of the city wall near the Herculaneum Gate. Surely some balls and shot crashed into the city wall, while others cleared the defenses and landed on the roofs of the northern end of VI,1. Last year's excavation revealed widespread demolition of these northern buildings to their foundation level. Fifteen stone balls and 90 lead sling shot have been found in the destruction deposit, dramatically fixing it as after 89 B.C. >>>>>>


<<<<A clear dating horizon for the north end of Insula VI.1 comes from the effects of Sulla's siege of Pompeii in 89 BCE. Many examples of missiles, including stone balls and lead sling shot, have been found around the city and attributed to the siege. Excavation has now revealed widespread destruction of buildings to foundation level, and the presence of many missiles in the subsequent clearing deposits.>>>>>

Да уж, особенно на этой фотографии очень хорошо видно, что повреждения на стенах оставлены "разрывными камнями", точно такие же остаются от РПГ-7, кто знает.
А еще характерны следы от "lead sling shot", типичные пулевые отверстия. Или пули пращами кидали?
В общем, если это не артефакты второй мировой, а в окрестностях Помпей были боевые действия, то археологи превзошли здесь самих себя в своих предположениях....