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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=25954&mesg_id=26068
26068, RE: кодекс Лауды
Послано guest, 09-03-2012 16:03

Палеографически рукопись датируют концом VI или началом VII века.

Во время тридцатилетней войны рукопись оказалась в руках архиепископа Лауды (1618—1648). В настоящее время рукопись находится в Бодлейской библиотеке в Оксфорде (Laud. Gr. 35 1397, I,8)<1>.


It was probably written in Sardinia, during the Byzantine occupation, and therefore after 534 (terminus a quo). It was written before 716 (terminus ad quem), as it was used by Beda Venerabilis in his Expositio Actuum Apostolorum Retractata.

"It was brought to England probably by Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 668, or by Ceolfrid, Abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow, in the early part of the eight century. It was probably deposited in one of the great monasteries in the north of England."<8>

It eventually came into the possession of William Laud, who donated to the Bodleian Library in Oxford in 1636, where it is located now (Cat. number: Laud. Gr. 35 1397, I,8).<9>

Thomas Hearne published its text in 1715, but not very exactly, then Hansell in 1864, and Constantin von Tischendorf in 1870.<10>