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Название темыRE: кодекс вашингтонский
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=25954&mesg_id=26070
26070, RE: кодекс вашингтонский
Послано guest, 09-03-2012 17:20

Рукопись была написана в начале V века.

Приобретена Чарлзом Фриером из Детройта в 1906 годе. В настоящее впемия рукопись хранится в музее Фриера Смитсоновского института (06. 274), в Вашингтоне<1>.


The codex was purchased by Charles Lang Freer on a trip to Egypt in November 1906.<22> Metzger states: "It is only Greek Gospel manuscript of early date of which we know provenance. Though the exact spot in Egypt where it was found is not known, there are indications that it came from a monastery in the neighbourhood of the Pyramids."<23> The writing is closely related to the Codex Panopolitanus (Papyrus Cairensis 10759), Henoch manuscript, found in Akhmim in 1886.<24>

The manuscript is dated by the INTF to the 4th or 5th century.<26>
