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Название темыА. Дюрер. Больной сифилисом. 1496 г.
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=48930&mesg_id=58065
58065, А. Дюрер. Больной сифилисом. 1496 г.
Послано Markgraf99_, 01-12-2018 16:40
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3956094/ Brief History of Syphilis
Albrecht Dürer, a German artist, depicts in woodcuts, for the first time in Europe, in 1496, the image of a mercenary whose skin bears sores of multiple chancres (Fig. 1). Next to the image lays written a text by physician Theodorus Ulsenius warning on the new disease, also describing its signs and symptoms, mentioning that the illness is not curable and establishing a direct link between the epidemic and the grand astrological conjuction in 1484 <19,20>.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: D%C3%BCrerSyphilis1496.jpg

http://dhayton.haverford.edu/blog/2012/09/24/astrology-and-morbus-gallicus/ Astrology and Morbus Gallicus
An early woodcut of a man suffering from the scabies—or morbus gallicus or, as we like to call it today, syphilis—is attributed to Albrecht Dürer. This woodcut illustrated a poem by the Nürnberg city physician Theodericus Ulsenius, his Vaticinium in epidemicam scabiem.
Like most physicians, Ulsenius explained how the disease had been caused by a series of planetary conjunctions. The most important conjunction, a so-called major conjunction because of its rarity—occurred in November 1484, when Saturn and Jupiter met in the sign of Scorpio. A year later, Mars and Saturn conjoined in the same sign. The woodcut indicates this astrological cause clearly in the upper portion, where four planets are shown along with the sun in Scorpio with the date prominently written in the middle.
..The celestial sphere with its zodiac was commonly used in 15th- and early 16th-century woodcuts to depict the astrological sources of terrestrial events. A few years later, Johannes Stabius composed a poem to celebrate his crowning as imperial poet laureate. His poem discussed the effects of another major conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter as well as other conjunctions that occurred in 1503/1504. His poem was printed as both a broadsheet and a pamphlet and illustrated with a similar woodcut:
The woodcut from Johannes Stabius’s Pronosticon (1503) illustrated the astrological causes—the planetary conjunctions—that he discussed in the poem

Шесть планет в Скорпионе, и одна в Овне. Возможно ли датировать?
Скорпион и Овен изображены и на щите Сисары на картине Ламберта Ломбарда (1505-1566) "Иаиль".


Добавление. Если все планеты в Скорпионе, а Марс в Овне, то выходит две даты - 1484 (дата, написанная на самой картине) и 1721.
Интересно, Овен и Скорпион могут намекать на Христа и Иуду Искариота, а наёмник-сифилитик у Дюрера стоит как будто в позе "мужа скорбей и изведавшего болезни" (Ис. 53:3).