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Название темыRE: printing... and JC grave in Cashmire
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=57233&mesg_id=57240
57240, RE: printing... and JC grave in Cashmire
Послано Веллингбро, 07-09-2018 12:05
Printing was invented before Scaligers, in the middle of the 15th c., by Gutenberg. I"ll tell you smething more heretic about A.D. era: the person we know as Jesus Christ did really live in... 1226/1227 - 1304/1305 years... of his own name. He was crucified in 1259/1260, but "resurrected" and moved to India, where he was honored as Budda"s reincarnatnion... His grave is found in Cashmire with the body inside... the followers called Him "Yuzoo Asaf", asaf = the Healer. The place is called "Rosabal". You can try to find out what British scientists working there discovered...