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Название темыRE: Про шотландцев
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=107903&mesg_id=107904
107904, RE: Про шотландцев
Послано guest, 05-05-2013 07:38
More Weridh - прямо по-русски "море"!

http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/c/camden/william/britannia-gibson-1722/part162.html Britannia, by William Camden - IRELAND, in General.
In the Vergivian Sea (so call’d, not as some think, à vergendo, from bending, but from Mor Weridh, which is the British name, or else from Farigi, which is the Irish name of it,) lies the most famous Isle of IRELAND, on the West-side of Britain.

- море Вериг-Верги-Фариги - может, море Варяжское?

Статья про Ирландию, но тема пересекается с Шотландией.

Гийом Постель считал, что "Ирландия" происходит от "евреев":
Postellus, in his publick Lectures at Paris upon Pomponius Mela (to shew somewhat, exquisite and singular) derives it from the Jews, so as Irin with him, is quasi Iurin, that is, a Land of the Jews. For he says, That the Jews (forsooth) being most skilful Soothsayers, and presaging that the Empire of the World would at last settle in that strong angle † († Ad Caurum.) towards the West, took possession of these parts, and of Ireland, very early; and that the Syrians, and the Tyrians also, endeavour’d to settle themselves there, as the foundation of their future Empire.

...Bartholanus a Scythian arrived here, and had great wars and conflicts with the Giants: That, long after this, Nemetha the Scythian came hither, and that he was presently driven out by the Giants...

...Towards the decline of the Roman Empire, a Nation of the Scots or Scythians (for formerly, as Strabo writes, all the people westward were term’d Celto-Scythæ,) grew potent in Ireland, and begun to make a great figure in the world...

язык гэльский называли кажется "эрзи".

В пьесе Локрин (не исключают, что её мог написать и Шекспир) говорится о "совершенно неисторичном" вторжении скифов в Британию: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locrine