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115104, Пелайо как мессианский герой
Послано guest, 17-03-2015 16:33
В "Сарацинской хронике" Пелайо, первому королю Астурии, приданы черты мессианского героя, спасителя Испании, он отчасти напоминает Моисея, Ромула, Христа и подобных героев. Есть ли переводы на русский или англ. этой хроники? Пока приходится довольствоваться пересказами. Например:

http://svr-lit.niv.ru/svr-lit/smirnov-literatura-ispanii/glava-chetvertaya.htm Смирнов А.А. Средневековая литература Испании. Глава четвертая
Нечто подобное историческому роману в современном понимании этого термина мы имеем в «Хронике короля дона Родриго» Педро дель Корраля (Pedro del Corral, «Crónica del rey don Rodrigo», между 1403 и 1407 гг.), иначе называемой «Сарацинской хроникой» («Crónica sarracina»). Сюжет ее в основном составляет то самое сказание о завоевании Испании маврами, происшедшее будто бы по вине ее последнего готского короля Родриго, которое было, по-видимому, обработано раньше в форме героической поэмы (см. выше, глава первая). При этом в финале истории Родриго мы находим мотив гроба со змеями. По всей вероятности, Педро дель Корралю была известна одна из таких поэм или какие-нибудь другие, прозаические формы этого предания, крайне популярного в Испании.
Главным его источником явилась арабская хроника X в. Ахмеда Ар-Раси (Ahmed Arrazi), обычно называемая «Хроникой мавра Раси» («Cronica del Moro Rasis»). Арабский текст этой хроники до нас не дошел, но сохранились многочисленые цитаты из нее у позднейших арабских историков, а также испанская редакция ее XIV в., восходящая к португальскому переводу.
Педро дель Корраль чрезвычайно развил и разукрасил в рыцарском духе рассказ Раси, введя в него немало анахронизмов. У него уже в VIII в. собираются кортесы в Толедо; Родриго изображен чем-то вроде странствующего рыцаря, защищающего герцогиню Лотарингскую; при дворе его подвизаются французские, английские, польские рыцари. Некоторые персонажи носят имена, взятые из «Троянской хроники». Вообще автор мало сам измышляет, а по большей части черпает подробности из самых различных произведений рыцарской и клерикальной литературы. Эпизод любви Родриго к Каве разработан со всеми аксессуарами рыцарских романов: рассказ переполнен описаниями турниров, вызовов, пышных садов, любовных писем, нежных бесед и т. п. Не довольствуясь повестью о самом Родриго, автор присоединяет к нему историю любви родителей короля Астурии Пелайо — герцога Фавилы и принцессы Лус, а также самого Пелайо, организовавшего отпор маврам и начавшего дело реконкисты.
Роман Педро дель Корраля имел в свое время огромный успех. К нему восходят все или почти все «старые» романсы о короле Родриго, пересказ его повести включил в свою «Историю Испании» Мариана. Однако в конце XVI в. эту версию сказания затмила другая — «История короля дона Родриго и гибели Испании» гранадского мориска Мигеля де Луны (Miguel de Luna, «Verdadera historia del rey don Rodrigo у de la pérdida de España», 1592) — слабое и безвкусное произведение, получившее, однако, огромное распространение. Именно к нему восходит не только драма Лoпe де Веги «Последний гот», но и поэма В. Скотта «Видение дона Родриго». Зато Артсенбуч, Соррилья и Соути (поэма «Родриго, последний гот») черпали материал, изображая эти события, главным образом из романа Педро дель Корраля, а В. Ирвинг для своих «Легенд о завоевании Испании» основывался на версиях как Корраля, так и Луны.
У Пушкина тоже есть стихотворение "Родрик".

История любви родителей Пелайо напоминает всё ту же скептическую версию о якобы порочности Девы Марии. Король Абарка, преследующий Пелайо, напоминает царя Ирода. Мать Пелайо Лус (имя ее родственно нашему "луч", что возможно намекает на свет христианства), чтобы спасти ребенка от злого царя, пускает его в ковчеге по реке (ср. Моисей, Ромул, Саргон). Согласно ФиН, здесь видимо снова смешение событий 12 и 14 веков?

Ниже цитаты с пересказами некоторых сюжетов, в основном, вокруг Лус:

http://people.uvawise.edu/kjt9t/cramer.html Manipulation of the Behavior of a Female Character in the Crónica sarracina to Serve the Purpose of the Author: Luz, the Mother of the Savior of Spain by Inés Cramer
...The lack of documented data about Pelayo's parents seems to confirm that the episodes related to their courtship are the product of Corral's literary creativity. The Crónica sarracina describes Pelayo's father as a count, ("el conde Favila"), who was at King Abarca's court, not as a Duke, but as a knight of visigothic lineage <"no como Duque, sino como cauallero que venia del linage de los Godos" (2: Chap. LIII)>.
There he fell in love with Luz, one of the Queen's ladies. Although they hid their love, they swore that they would get married some day. However, King Abarca also fell in love with Luz, and his desire for her grew to such an extent that he asked her to become his mistress, but she rejected him. Although he persisted, Luz systematically rejected each of his attempts. Luckily for her, the King never forced himself on her, since he did not want to possess her by force.
When Luz told Favila that the King was in love with her, the young man became extremely upset and 'did not know what to do'(trasnslated citation). At this, Luz told him not to worry, since she would never agree to be the King's mistress. Then she proposed for them to marry in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary that she kept in her chamber. In their first night together after the marriage, she became pregnant with Pelayo. The next day Favila had to leave for Cantabria. The text states that although Favila felt sad about leaving Luz, he was sure that she would not turn to anybody else, since she was not a virgin anymore.
After Favila left, the King kept asking Luz to become his mistress, but she never accepted him. However, her pregnancy started to show, so Luz decided to feign an illness in order to remain in her chamber. After two months of isolation in her chamber, she gave birth to a beautiful boy. She kept the boy for fifteen days, but when she learned that the King had become suspicious, Luz placed the newborn Pelayo in an ark. As she placed her baby in the ark, she prayed to God, asking Him to protect her newborn son and to make him the saviour of his lineage. At that moment a voice was heard saying : 'Your request is granted'. That same night, her maid, accompanied by another servant, put the ark in the river. As they watched it float away, they saw it become surrounded by an 'extreme clarity'.
Pelayo, like Moses, was found and saved. The mother's guilt for abandoning her newborn son is redeemed, within the text, by the many descriptions of her suffering when she wondered about the child's fate. After a series of events in which chance plays a significant part, the true identity of Pelayo is discovered and his parents, who finally claim him as their son, marry for a second time, completely ignoring the first wedding. Later this son, who leads his people against the Moors, becomes the hero of the Reconquista...
...This messianic role is clearly indicated within the text by the voice heard when his mother was placing him as a newborn in the ark. Pelayo's messianic predestination is also stressed by the 'clarity' which surrounded the ark in which he had been placed, as it floated away on the river...
It is possible that at some point Corral modified the parallel between Pelayo and Moses, and transformed it into a parallel between Pelayo and Jesus. Assuming that this is the case, it is then possible to associate the passive role played by Pelayo's father with the totally inactive role assumed by Joseph in Jesus' conception in the New Testament. According to the New Testament's account, Mary was the only human who took part in Jesus' conception, while Joseph, from the biological point of view, did not intervene at all. Although within the context of the Crónica sarracina Favila does intervene biologically in Pelayo's conception, his intervention is very limited, since Luz becomes pregnant the very first time that she sleeps with her husband. The narration also implies that, after that first time, there was no more sexual contact between Pelayo's parents until many years later.
...King Abarca arranges for a knight to accuse Luz of dishonest behavior (of losing her virginity), and the text states that because of this she is threatened with being burned at the stake. The knight, Melías, challenges any knight who wants to prove Luz's innocence to joust with him, and Favila takes the challenge and defeats him. However, King Abarca does not want Luz acquitted and therefore, he makes another knight, Brestes, accuse Luz. Favila again assumes the role of the honorable medieval knight who, in spite of all dangers, rescues his lady, and he also defeats Brestes.
The analysis just completed allows one to understand why Corral created the literary character of Pelayo's mother and how he manipulated her behavior within the text to shape it into the role of a Messiah's mother. The name Corral gave the mother of Pelayo, Luz, is significant. 'Luz' in Spanish means 'light', and thus, within the context of the Crónica sarracina it can be associated with the light of Christianity, the 'true faith', reestablished in the Iberian Peninsula after the darkness of a 'false religion', brought by the Moslem invasion.

Беременность Лус длится всего два месяца, после чего она кладет младенца в ковчег, т.е. роды были какие-то необычные, возможно здесь отразилось кесарево сечение. По сюжету ей угрожало сожжение у столба за обвинение в потере девственности. Однако ей удается спастись от опасности.

https://books.google.ru/books?id=Nl0_nXQD5i4C&pg=PA32&lpg=PA32&dq=pelayo+king+abarca&source=bl&ots=LynnTAgG62&sig=-t7A5B1KB9nID50awkSSXZDQdIw&hl=ru&sa=X&ei=2egHVcCsIMKaygOEyoC4Bw&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=pelayo%20king%20abarca&f=false The Medieval Chronicle II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference ... редактор(ы): Erik Kooper
...In this episode, the king Abarca (who reigns before Rodrigo's), infatuated with Luz but suspecting she is pregnant, places her under a guard's watchful eye to see if she has already lost her virginity to another man. (In fact, unbeknownst to the king, Luz had already successfully concealed her pregnancy, given birth to Pelayo and sent him down the Tagus River in an ark to safety). Tiring of such scrutiny, after a length of time in which her alleged pregnancy would have become apparent, Luz removes her outer clothing before her guard to demonstrate her 'innocence' (thus providing him with a 'striptease' that ironically echoes the scene in which La Cava unknowingly strips before a spying Rodrigo <I, 154>, revealing the same form-fitting scarlet undergarment for the lustful monarch that Luz does for her guard):...
The guard promptly informs the king that Luz shows no signs of pregnancy, unaware, however, that she has fooled him by 'revealing' the 'truth'.

https://books.google.ru/books?id=FMABAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA111&lpg=PA111&dq=pelayo+favila&source=bl&ots=gSb8Xl63Tx&sig=M2Ju-zfGLZVSrMpDLFq11vjqOwQ&hl=ru&sa=X&ei=Sb8HVeCXMIXVygOOzYLAAw&sqi=2&ved=0CF4Q6AEwDA#v=onepage&q=pelayo%20favila&f=false Rethinking the New Medievalism редактор(ы): R. Howard Bloch, Alison Calhoun, Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, Joachim Küpper, Jeanette Patterson
...It is true that Witiza conspired to assassinate Pelayo's father, and that he journeyed as a pilgrim to Jerusalem, staying there until Witiza died...
In Corral's text, Pelayo, whose epithet is caballero de Dios, is an otherworldly, messianic figure, replete with mysterious origins. As the child of a clandestine marriage between Luz and Favila, Pelayo is placed into an ark (2.99) that is put into the river so that he may escape King Abarca's wrath. He proves to be an exemplary warrior and defender of those in need (2.xcviii) by saving a merchant, his wife, and daughter from evil malfechores (преступников) with a display of great bravery, thereafter delivering them from a ferocious bear (2.ci). As a result of his extraordinary prowess, the thankful merchant remarks to his wife, ..(Clearly, the young knight is not of this world, his deeds are celestial; 2.183). And indeed this is the case. Pelayo's mission is to save his country militarily and spiritually. Part of this otherworldliness involves an impeccable courtliness, but also a total indifference to the amorous longings that humans tend to have: ..(Doubtless, if he asked the merchant's daughter for her favors, she would not deny them. but he never even thought of such things; 2.180). As a result of his genteel behavior, Pelayo accepts a ring that the merchant's daughter gives him.
...Pelayo never sees the girl again, but she remains steadfast in her love only for him, dying a virgin.
...His shield spells out "Jesus" in Chaldean letters,..

Пелайо подобно Христу и Александру Македонскому проявляет целомудрие в отношении женщин.
На его щите было начертано "Иисус" халдейскими буквами. Лабарум Константина, монограмму Христа, тоже наносили на щиты.
Изображение Пелайо в "Генеалогии королей Португалии", внизу, считается, изображена битва при Ковадонге:

https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7353/12459213733_da283a8b09_h.jp g
https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/12459213733/ The Portuguese Genealogy / Genealogia dos Reis de Portugal. - caption: 'Genealogy of the Kings of the Asturias, from Favila, Duke of Cantabria (d.739) to Vilmeran; in the margin is depicted a church tower; at the foot, the battle of St. Maria de Cobadong