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Название темыБитва на реке Сальсу 612 г.
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=115005&mesg_id=117690
117690, Битва на реке Сальсу 612 г.
Послано Markgraf99_, 26-07-2015 19:22
Еще пример затопления войск противника водами реки, задержанной дамбой. Прямо как на реке Вэй в 204 до н.э. (см. сообщ. № 159 выше). Противник понес при этом чудовищные потери, если верить цифрам:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Salsu was an enormous battle that occurred in the year AD 612, during the second Goguryeo-Sui War, between the Korean kingdom of Goguryeo and the Chinese Sui Dynasty. Goguryeo cavalry forces, pursuing the Sui army, attacked and defeated it at the Salsu River.
...An ambush at Salsu (Chongchon River) inflicted massive casualties on the Sui forces. When the Sui army had reached Salsu the water level was shallow, as Eulji Mundeok had already cut off the flow of water with a dam. When the Sui troops were halfway across the river, Eulji opened the dam and the onslaught of water drowned thousands of Sui soldiers. The Goguryeo cavalry then charged the remaining Sui forces.