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Название темыRE: Зодиак из Монако
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=121933&mesg_id=122002
122002, RE: Зодиак из Монако
Послано avt76, 04-08-2016 11:45
класс! я Вас поздравляю!
это очень здорово, что Вы нашли и даже еще и расшифровали.
Какой из меня первооткрыватель -) так, просто рассказала, даже никаких фотографий не удалось предоставить.
поэтому с нетерпением просто жду Вашей статьи, очень интересно.

вот оказывается у них там в прошлом году выставка проходила - "Романовы и Гримальди".

The House of Grimaldi adopted the title of Prince of Monaco in 1612. It was only a year later, in 1613, that the first Romanov tsar ascended to the Russian throne.

Relations between the two countries date back to the reigns of Prince Charles III of Monaco and Tsar Alexander II of the Russian Empire. During this period the two nations signed numerous treaties and agreements, including the extradition of criminals, mutual legal assistance, recognition of the civil status of people and for medical aid. After the establishment of the Order of Saint-Charles in Monaco in 1858, Tsar Alexander II became the first member of a royal family to be bestowed the Monegasque award. Consular and diplomatic relations were officially established between the two states in 1877, when Charles III appointed Chevalier Jean Plancher as the Monegasque Consul in St. Petersburg.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the Russian Imperial family discovered the French Riviera and Monte Carlo. Prince Albert I established ties with Russian scholarly, and scientific institutions. He travelled to Russia in 1884 and met with Emperor Alexander III, and many years later, hunted buffalo with Emperor Nicholas II in one of the imperial estates and will be received in Peterhof in 1913. In 1896, Crown Prince Louis led the Monegasque delegation at the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II.

Following the Russian Revolution of 1917 relations between the two states were suspended.

The Grimaldis and the Romanovs: Three Centuries of History runs from 13 July to 6 September, 2015 in the Prince’s Palace, Monaco.

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