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Название темыRE: Татарский город в Пекине
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=3585&mesg_id=3719
3719, RE: Татарский город в Пекине
Послано guest, 10-11-2012 03:41
//Вот встретил что стена крепостная в Пекине называлась оазывается "татарским городом".//
Не только стена, но и весь центральный район назывался Татарским городом, где могли жить только манжуры. Примыкал к нему Китайский город (Китай-город?), где видимо жили люди, завязанные на обслуживание Татарского города.

Below, there is a map of the central part of Beijing drawn by British cartographers in 1927. The areas in blue are outside the city walls... The cartographer indicated the Qing Dynasty names for the sections of the city. The upper brown section was called the Tartar City because only the Manchus, the rulers of China during the Qing Dynasty, were allowed to live there. The lower part of the brown section was known as the Outer City. Chinese were allowed to live there and build their business, most of which were necessary to the running of the imperial households.
The lighter portion in the center of the upper brown section is the Forbidden City, the imperial palace. The grounds included rivers and a good sized lake with an island. Today, only a third of the area is open to visitors. The west portion is used for government offices and residences. Mao Zedong lived there. The Forbidden City measures 1 mile (1.7 km) from the north to the south and roughly 1.1 miles (1.8 km) from the east to the west. The entire fortified city measures roughly 5.3 miles (8.6 km) from the north to the south and 5 miles (8.1 km) from the east to the west at its widest point. To give you an easy reference, the Temple of Heaven in the south measures 0.9 mile (1.6 km) by 1 mile (1.7 km), but the area shown on the map below is slightly larger - 1.1 miles by 1.2 miles.
Dongbianmen is marked with a large red X.

British map drawn 1927. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington (color added)
- в верхнем правом углу Та(р)тарского города как бы не надпись Russian...что-то.

карта 1934 года

view of the Great Imperial Throne in the Forbidden City, Beijing, China, after the work of Le Comte. London. 1745- 1747.
- какая-то лабиринтообразная ярусная пирамида
