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Название темыRE: Тысячи папирусов на греческом.
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=41878&mesg_id=41897
41897, RE: Тысячи папирусов на греческом.
Послано АнТюр, 16-04-2007 11:53
Archaeologists have traced imports from the Aegean from the 15th to the 13th century BC; association of Mycenaean pottery with tombs of known Egyptian kings is vital for the study of early Greek archaeology, although not entirely satisfactory. Greek traders, mercenaries, and even tourists were in Egypt from the 7th century BC on, and they left various relics. With Alexander the Great's conquest, the Greek language began to replace Egyptian. Thousands of papyrus documents, dating from the following millennium, have been found in the towns around Fayyum Lake (Birket Qarun) near Cairo, abandoned when the irrigation system failed. Other sites have yielded thousands more. These papyri vividly record every aspect of life in astonishing detail. They are also the source of the oldest copies of many famous Greek books and of the New Testament.


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