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Название темыRE: The Antikythera Mechanism (off top)
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=41878&mesg_id=41920
41920, RE: The Antikythera Mechanism (off top)
Послано АнТюр, 17-04-2007 09:44
The Antikythera Mechanism (off top)

The team was also able to pin down the device's construction date more precisely. Radiocarbon dating suggested it was built around 65 BC, but newly revealed lettering on the machine indicate a slightly older construction date of 150 to 100 BC. The team's reconstruction also involves 37 gear wheels, seven of which are hypothetical.

65 год н. э. – это ре-фальсифицированный 1755 год.

The Antikythera Mechanism – 18 век.