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Название форумаСвободная площадка
Название темыRE: пушка, сделанная в Дубровнике 17 в.
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=72584&mesg_id=72661
72661, RE: пушка, сделанная в Дубровнике 17 в.
Послано guest, 12-03-2010 11:48

This Venetian cannon was given to people of Perast by the Venetian authorities. It was made on the territory of Dubrovnik in the 17th century. The length of the barrel is 146 cm, while its diameter is 13.5 cm. Because of the green colour of its barrel, made of bronze alloy, the cannon was known as ‘zelenko’ (green) among the people of Perast.

Mletački top, poklon mletačkih vlasti Peraštanima. Izrađen je na teritoriji Dubrovnika, u 17. vijeku. Dužina topovske cijevi je 146 cm, promjera 13,5 cm. S obzirom na zelenu boju topovske cijevi, koja je izrađena od legure bronze, top je kod Peraštana poznat pod nazivom "zelenko".