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Название темыМалек Национальный музей и библиотека
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=77163&mesg_id=77317
77317, Малек Национальный музей и библиотека
Послано guest, 28-05-2012 14:35


лаковые миниатюры! ну, надо же и здесь общая традиция с 16-17 века!

There are no information on the exact date of the creation of the first pen-boxes, but available materials indicate that before the 16th century pen-boxes were made of steel and silver and were decorated with golden designs. In subsequent centuries up to the Safavid era pen-boxes were made of wood and metal and were decorated with golden or silver wires. These were rather heavy objects and so craftsmen tried to create lighter pen-boxes. So they started using lacquered materials around the time of the Teimurid dynasty - in the 17th century.

здесь прикладное искусство, хорош бюст перса курносого усатого!


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