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Название темы2500 year later somewhere in Galaxy
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=81796&mesg_id=81856
81856, 2500 year later somewhere in Galaxy
Послано guest, 16-10-2010 00:51
2500 year later somewhere in Galaxy.
Saint TI already won.
PeopleS became schastlivy.
But what was a price?

Из жития Св. Архимеда.

Many many year ago horrostic Н-Х-олог-es PREDALI St. Archimedus to MUCHENSKA SMERT. That time the death was call so. The most cruel humiliation St. Arkimedus suffered from evil procurator АЛ-НИ. АЛ-НИ not only ran St. Arkimedus through the test (such kind of torture just at that time has been being believed barbaric for many years) - after the naïve question "what was ГУЙ & ДОС?" he forced St. Arkhimeds to eat up Arkhimeds' own ГУЙ & ДОС. Thats why St. Arkimedus always is painted as twisted by right side.

We grieve over St. Arkimedus and curse all cruel and evil Н-Х-олог-es.
