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Название темыЮ-ван и Бао Сы
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=105774&mesg_id=105843
105843, Ю-ван и Бао Сы
Послано guest, 21-06-2013 21:36
Как отмечал китайский писатель Лу Синь, "Династия Шан погибла из-за Дацзи, династия Чжоу рухнула из-за Бао Сы... Дун Чжо был убит по милости Дяо Чань."

Бао Сы - возможно, ещё одна Есфирь-Елена? Бао Сы - наложница царя Ю, последнего царя династии Западная Чжоу, оттеснившая царицу Шень и её сына, наследника Ицзю, но в итоге проигравшая, и Ицзю стал следующим царём уже следующей династии Восточная Чжоу:

..In 780 BC, a major earthquake hit Guanzhong. A soothsayer named Bo Yangfu (伯陽甫) considered this an omen foretelling the destruction of the Zhou Dynasty. - возможно, и здесь царь Ю - это Валтасар книги Даниила, а Бо Янфу - пророк Даниил?
In 779 BC, a concubine named Bao Si entered the palace and came into the King You's favour. She bore him a son named Bofu.<1> King You deposed Queen Shen (申后) and Crown Prince Yijiu. He made Baosi the new queen and Bofu the new crown prince.<2>
It is said that Baosi did not laugh easily. After trying many methods and failing, King You tried to amuse his favourite queen by lighting warning beacons and fooling his nobles into thinking that the Quanrong nomads were about to attack. The nobles arrived at the castle only to find themselves laughed at by Baosi. Even after King You had impressed Baosi, he continued to abuse his use of warning beacons and lost the trust of the nobles.<3>
Queen Shen’s father, the Marquess of Shen, was furious at the deposition of his daughter and grandson Crown Prince Yijiu and mounted an attack on King You's palace with the Quanrong. King You called for his nobles using the previously abused beacons but none came. In the end, King You and Bofu were killed and Baosi was captured.<4>
After King You died, nobles including the Marquess of Shen, the Marquess of Zeng (缯侯) and Duke Wen of Xu (許文公) supported deposed Prince Yijiu as King Ping of Zhou<5> to continue the Zhou Dynasty. As the national capital Haojing had suffered severe damage, and was located near the potentially dangerous Quanrong, in 771 BC, King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyang,.. - следующий царь Пин перенёс столицу - в Москву?

Бао Сы была несмеяной - кажется, знакомый мотив из русских сказок. Никто её, меланхоличную, не мог рассмешить, но в результате они с царём из-за неуместных шуток потеряли доверие всех нобилей, и те не пришли им на помощь во время опасности.

Бао Сы считается одной из самых прекрасных женщин Китая за всю историю. Детали её биографии напоминают знакомые мотивы из европейской мифологии:

Life Legends record that during the last years of the Xia Dynasty (в последние годы династии Ся, видимо, когд правили тиран Цзе и его наложница Мо Си - возможно, ещё одна Есфирь-Елена?), two dragons entered the palace of the king. When they left, the Xia king ordered that the dragon’s saliva left inside the palace be kept in a wooden box. During the time of King Li of Zhou, he tried to open the box despite a taboo against such an act, since it had not been opened for more than a thousand years. The saliva accidentally spilled and transformed into a black lizard. The lizard crawled in front of a seven-year-old slave girl. Eight years later she became pregnant while still a virgin, and gave birth to a girl. The mother abandoned the baby, who was later adopted by a couple who escaped to the state of Bao and raised her to adulthood. She was later presented by the ruler of Bao to King You.
- чудесное рождение, ящик Пандоры-Евы, который нельзя было открывать тысячу лет, затем некая рабыня беременеет будучи девой (от рептилии?), рождается девочка (Бао Сы), которую мать оставила, но та всё-таки выжила и была подарена правителем Бао королю Ю.

..Over 14 centuries after King Ping’s death, Tang Dynasty Empress regnant Wu Zetian claimed ancestry from King Ping through his son Prince Wu, and changed the dynastic name to Zhou, which was reverted to Tang after her death.<10> - У Цзэтянь - возможно, ещё одна Есфирь-Елена.