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Название темыЮй Великий
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=105774&mesg_id=105953
105953, Юй Великий
Послано guest, 14-07-2013 06:31
Судя по этим описаниям, Юй должен быть отражением Андроника-Христа:

Yu. - There is a old tradition that Yu was born of a virgin, who conceived him from the rays of a star. (Progress of Religious Ideas, Child, Vol. I., p. 205.) The image of Shing Mon, the Mother Goddess, is universal in China and represents a woman with a glory round her head, and a babe in her arms, or seated on her knees. Tradition describes her as a virgin. The child, exposed, in his infancy, was found and brought up by a poor fisherman. He became a great man and performed wonderful miracles. (Ibid, p.218)
(Charles H. Vail. World's Saviors - Страница 50 - 2003 - Religion)

YU (2205-?)--again succeeded because of worth. Founder of the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty. Tamed or created the major rivers of China. At this point the crown becomes hereditary. Yu born of a virgin: Shing Mon. A star indicates the birth place of Yu, and like many other Oriental saviors, he is born out of his mother's side. Yu threatened in infancy and hidden, like Moses, near a river. Miraculously calmed great floods.

Yu of China - Yu, the first Chinese monarch, was conceived when his mother was struck with a star while traveling.

Юй - основатель династии Ся (самой первой, полулегендарной династии китайской). Известен в частности тем, что усмирил воды некоего потопа (потока?) (Может, это согласуется с тем что при Андронике-Христе был построен или возобновлён водопровод? См. "Царь славян", глава 8.3 и 8.4). Юй использовал при этом некую "саморастущую землю" - не геополимерный ли бетон это?:
