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Название темыRE: принц Сётоку
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=105774&mesg_id=105978
105978, RE: принц Сётоку
Послано guest, 10-08-2013 05:35
http://www.christies.com/lotfinder/books-manuscripts/anonymous-shotoku-taishi-eden-5180427-details.aspx Anonymous (late 17th-early 18th century) Shotoku taishi eden (Illustrated biography of Crown Prince Shotoku)
Volume 1 begins with the early life of Shotoku, and illustrates his legendary birth beside a stable door (hence his early name, "Prince Stable-door" or Umayado), a legend that may be based on stories of the birth of Christ that circulated among Nestorian Christians in Tang China; and his first prayer at the age of two (illustrated here). Volume 2 shows Shotoku at age 14, with destruction of Buddhist images. In Volume 3, we see Shotoku at age 27 miraculously ascending into the sky mounted on a black horse (illustrated here); and receiving gifts of exotic birds and animals from Korea. Volume 7 shows the prince's funeral procession with its elaborate palanquin.

- Сётоку в возрасте 27 лет чудесно возносится на небо на чёрном коне.

http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/45371?pos=3 Illustrated Biography of Prince Shōtoku, 14th century
Prince Shōtoku (574?–622), a fervent champion of Buddhism against the often fierce opposition of the hereditary clans in charge of Shinto ritual, was venerated within a century after his death as an incarnation of the historical (Shakyamuni) Buddha. Tales of his miraculous life, inspired by narratives of the life of the Buddha, were painted in temples and shrines and included among the parables told by priests. These tales played a major part in the spread of popular Buddhism in medieval Japan. As a paragon of Buddhist virtue from a time before sectarianism, Shōtoku appealed to many practitioners of the faith.
This pair of hanging scrolls depicts sixty-two episodes from Shōtoku's life, drawing parallels between him and Shakyamuni Buddha. For instance, while the Buddha's mother, Queen Maya, had a vision of Shakyamuni as a white elephant with six tusks, Empress Hashihito (d. 665) dreamed of her son Shōtoku in the guise of a golden monk. Episodes are illustrated neither chronologically nor in an orderly spatial sequence; events that took place in the same location are, however, arranged closely together. Inscriptions in white cartouches are therefore included to identify each scene.

- в биографии Сётоку присутствуют параллели с Буддой, т.е. ещё одним отражением Андроника-Христа.

http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=3277542&partId=1 Shotoku Taishi go-ichidaiki (Biography of Prince Shotoku) с.1840. Lightning flashing from the spirit of a great tree about to be felled by Kawabe no Omi, to build a ship for Prince Shotoku.