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Название темыОрдерик Виталий о Гвискаре, Сишельгаите, Боэмунде
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=115005&mesg_id=119270
119270, Ордерик Виталий о Гвискаре, Сишельгаите, Боэмунде
Послано Markgraf99_, 16-01-2016 13:49
Ордерик Виталий приводит "сказочную" историю об отравлении Роберта Гвискарда его второй женой Сишельгаитой, её попытке отравить пасынка Боэмунда, сына Роберта от первой жены, о бегствах Сишельгаиты и Боэмунда. Не просматриваются ли здесь мотивы кесарева сечения (вариация сюжета исправления "письма смерти" Гамлета, Беллерофонта и др.?) и бегства Марии и Христа в Египет от злых Ирода и Иродиады?

https://archive.org/stream/ecclesiasticalhi02ordeuoft#page/366/mode/2up The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy by Ordericus Vitalis, 1075-1143? Volume 2
CH. VII. Restoration of Gregory VII. and the sack of Home by Robert Guiscard - Battle of Durazzo - Death of Bohemond - And of Robert Guiscard.
...Bohemond, who had been wounded in the battle, was sent for his cure to the surgeons of Salerno, whose reputation for skill in medicine was established throughout the world. 1 ...
Sichelgade, wife of Robert Guiscard, was daughter of Gaimard duke of Salerno, 3 and sister of Gisulf who was deprived of his duchy by the ambitious usurpation of his brother-in-law. 4 This princess conceived a violent hatred of Bohemond her step-son, apprehending that as he was much braver and superior in sense and worth, her son Roger would forfeit in his favour the duchy of Apulia and Calabria to which he was heir. In consequence, she prepared a deadly potion and sent it to the physicians of Salerno, among whom she had been brought up and by whom she had been instructed in the use of poisons. The physicians lent themselves to the wishes of their lady and scholar, and gave the deadly poison to Bohemond whom it was their duty to heal. Having taken it, he was reduced to death's door, and instantly despatched a messenger to his father informing him of his danger. The shrewd duke became immediately aware of his wife's treachery, and calling her to him in great distress thus interrogated her. "Is my lord Bohemond still alive?" To which she replied: "I know not, my lord." Upon which he said: "Bring me a copy of the holy gospels and a sword." On their being brought, he took the sword and swore as follows upon the sacred writings: "Listen to me, Sichelgade, I swear by this holy gospel that if my son Bohemond dies of the malady under which he labours, I will plunge this sword into your bosom." Alarmed at this menace, she prepared a sure antidote and forthwith sent a messenger with it to the physicians at Salerno who had been her instruments for poisoning Bohemond, urging them with prayers and promises to extricate her from the peril to which she was exposed. The physicians learning that the treachery was detected and the embarrassment of their lady, prayed that the duke's terrible threats might not be put in execution, and used every effort which their skill in the art of medicine suggested to restore the young prince to health. Through God's blessing, who designed him for the scourge of the Turks and Saracens, the enemies of the faith, Bohemond recovered; but such had been the virulence of the poison that his countenance was pallid all the rest of his life.
Meanwhile, the treacherous and wily woman reflected within herself, in a state of great alarm, that if her messenger should meet with any delay in crossing the sea, and the sick prince should die before he arrived, there would be no escaping the death which her husband had sworn to inflict on her. She therefore devised another murderous and execrable scheme. Sad to say, she gave poison to her husband. And as soon as he began to sicken, having no doubt of the inevitable result, she assembled her attendants and the rest of the Lombards in the middle of the night, and hurrying to the sea shore embarked with her partisans in the swiftest ships, burning the rest that she might not be pursued by the Normans. Having reached the coast of Apulia, one of the knights who attended her landed privately and hastening to Salerno by night suddenly appeared before Bohemond, saying: "Rise quickly and fly and save yourself." On his inquiring the reason, the bearer of the tidings replied: "Your father has perished, and your mother has landed in Apulia. She is hurrying here to seek your death." Bohemond, on hearing this alarming intelligence, was greatly agitated, aud mounting an ass, clandestinely withdrew from the city and fled to Jordan, prince of Capua, his cousin, 1 by whom he was kindly received, and thus escaped from the machinations and threats of his stepmother. She was much mortified on arriving at Salerno, that she had been outwitted by the object of her persecutions. Her son Roger, surnamed Crumena, secured the succession to the rich duchy of his ancestors lying on this side of the sea. 2

Возможно Сишельгаита здесь одновременно выступает и как Иродиада, преследующая Боэмунда (т.е. Христа), и как Мария Богородица, объект кесарева сечения, бегущая затем от Роберта (Ирода?), так же и бегущий тайно на осле Боэмунд как отражение здесь Христа.
Боэмунд при крещении был назван Марк, но, по Ордерику Виталию, был прозван Робертом Боэмундом в честь некоего гиганта Buamundus gigas, т. к. младенец был больших размеров. Анна Комнина в Алексиаде пишет, что Боэмунд был очень высокого роста: "Он был такого большого роста, что почти на локоть возвышался над самыми высокими людьми". Похожим образом описывает и отца его: "Он был большого роста — выше самых высоких людей". Не отразился ли здесь высокий рост Андроника-Христа?
Гвискар был из дома Отвилей или Готвилей (Hauteville) или Альтавилла, т.е. в переводе "высокая деревня". А Андрей Боголюбский был князь Вышгородский. Прозвища Одина Гаут, Высокий.
Комнина (1.14) пишет, что Роберт в своём безумии уподобился Ироду, когда стал призывать на службу и детей и стариков.
Сын и преемник Роберта Рожер имел прозвище Борса (Кошелёк). Случайно или нет сходство с прозвищем Ивана Калиты = Батыя?
Сишельгаиту Комнина называет второй Палладой (4.6)