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Название темыRE: Торос Эдесский - Андроник-Христос?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=115005&mesg_id=122185
122185, RE: Торос Эдесский - Андроник-Христос?
Послано Markgraf99_, 21-08-2016 14:36
В англ. переводе Матфея Эдесского убийство Тороса происходит в Страстную неделю:
..But on the Tuesday of the celebration of Passion Week, the townsmen, armed with swords and clubs, attacked Thoros..

рус. перевод
..на пятой неделе великого поста..
..Во вторник, в праздник святых сорокамучеников, горожане жестоко напали на <Тороса>..

Эдесский аноним говорит, что Торос остался в одной набедренной повязке (сходство с Христом?):
..They tied him with a rope and let him down from the high wall which overlooked the city while he was naked except for a loin cloth. While they let him down <here two pages of the Syriac text <333> are missing>...
http://rbedrosian.com/Ref/Moosa/mmcto2.htm The Crusaders Take the Offensive, by Matti Moosa
если не открывается (Error 403 - Forbidden), то через кэш Google http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://rbedrosian.com/Ref/Moosa/mmcto2.htm

Источники говорят разное:
..Curiously, while the Latin sources say Thoros was childless, the Anonymous Edessan refers to his sons..

..The divergence of Matthew's account from those of Albert of Aachen and the Anonymous Edessan is obvious. Why he implicates Baldwin in the plot is unclear..

Версия Ордерика Виталия более романическая
..Ordericus Vitalis says Thoros was murdered at the instigation of one Tobias, a chief citizen of Edessa. Tobias gave a lengthy diatribe against Thoros and the citizens, inflamed against him, rushed upon him and cut off his head. Tobias took the head and asked the citizens to guard the palace and its treasures, promising that he and his companions would bring the Franks (meaning Baldwin) with joy and peace. Then he invited Baldwin to govern the city (162). It seems highly doubtful that Baldwin, who was so much loved and admired by the citizens of Edessa, could not convince them to let Thoros leave the city unharmed..

https://archive.org/stream/ecclesiasticalhi03orde#page/144/mode/2up The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy by Ordericus Vitalis vol 3
p.143 Ch. XI. Baldwin's conquests in Armenia—Becomes duke or prince of Edessa