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Название темыRE: free information is lacking in english
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=117471&mesg_id=117497
117497, RE: free information is lacking in english
Послано lirik, 14-07-2015 22:59

Which book you are talking about?
We have some books in english here - http://www.chronologia.org/en/index.html

First of all - fully scientific work "History: Fiction or Science" - there are we have publishing layout in PDF of three books. They including all illustration.

But there is one problem why we can't publish all books on our site - so we violate publishing rights.

However, we will soon publish all seven books of "History: Fiction or Science" as Anatoly Fomenko agreed with the publisher.