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Название темыГде то я в не очень старой книжке натыкался на то,..
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=133881&mesg_id=133932
133932, Где то я в не очень старой книжке натыкался на то,..
Послано ТотСамый, 12-10-2018 02:50
... что гербом Польши был ДРАКОН.... Со всеми вытекающими отсюда последствиями.

Дай бог памяти... Henry Preble 1880 "History of the flag of Unated State of America" .... Простите, на кривом английском, очевидно, оцифровщиком его читали. Стр.67 - 68

И, что ОСОБЕННО забавно, текст этот СИЛЬНО не совпадает от издания к изданию.



...The Banners and National Colors of Poland, &c. — In our
research concerning religious and military ensigns, standards, and flags, one family, the Slavonic, mighty in renown, has disappointed our exertions. Greek writers knew them by no name that can be brought home, and the Romans felt them more than they have described them.

1 Cor. London Telegraph, July 18, 1876.


It is a question whether they were in full or at all included in the
denomination of ' Scythians.' The military achievements of the Ja-
zyges, Dacians, Sarmatians, and other of the Slavonic race of later
date, we find on Boman bass-reliefs of Soman triumphs over these barbarians. The civilized and sedentary nations have always shown the most anxiety to commemorate victories over enemies they could not subdua The victories of Thosmes II. and III., and of Sesostris, over nations probably of Slavonic stock, painted on the walls of Thebes, are of this description. The columns of Trajan and Antonine show the Slavonic cavahy, and representations of the ensigns which those riding and migratory nations adopted for carrying on horseback, before the stirrup was invented In China, Japan, and Tartary, west of Germany, dragon-shaped symbols, resolvable into some sort of flag, were adopted as military ensigns from the earliest age. In ancient times, the Southern and Western nations had efiBgy standards of statues or sculptured objects without cloth beneath them, or, at most, a knotted shawl or cloth. These dragon standards consisted of a metal or wooden head, representing the figure of a dragon,...

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