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Название темыRE: Хан Кублай сбрасывает маски
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=135756&mesg_id=135774
135774, RE: Хан Кублай сбрасывает маски
Послано Thietmar2, 25-02-2019 21:31

Так Марко Поло выглядел в молодости:

А так стал выглядеть в старости:

Orientalist, Author. He was a noted historian of the East Asian region.
He saw active service in the Sikh wars and took part in Colonel Arthur Phayre's Burmese mission in 1855, which he later wrote about in his "Narrative of the Mission to the Court of Ava" (1858). During his time in India he was also involved with irrigation works and the improvement of the roads and railroads. He attained the rank of colonel, before retiring from the army in 1862 to study the history and geography of Central Asia. He published several books on the subject, including, "Cathay and the Way Thither" (1866) and the "Book of Marco Polo" (1875), which won the Royal Geographical Society's Gold Medal. In 1866 he collaborated with Dr Arthur C. Burnell on a book of Anglo-Indian phrases entitled "Hobson-Jobson". He was elected president of the Hakluyt Society, for which he edited the "Mirabilia" (1863) and "The Diary of William Hedges" (1887 to 1889). He was also the advising orientalist for the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. He was appointed a member of the Council of India in 1875, and made Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India on his retirement from the post in 1889.