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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=22086&mesg_id=22087
22087, Теперь к делу:
Послано Астрахань, 30-12-2005 21:01
Haywain (1500-02)

by Hieronymus BOSCH

The Haywain triptych exists in two versions, one in the Escorial, the other in the Prado, Madrid. Both are in poor condition and have been heavily restored, and scholars disagree as to which is the original. The left inner wing presents the Creation and Fall of Man, and the expulsion of the rebel angels, the right wing is occupied by a view of Hell. The central panel presents a new image: a curious vehicle, a great haywain lumbering across a vast landscape, being pulled by devils towards Hell and damnation.

Triptych of Haywain (central panel)
Oil on panel, 140 x 100 cm
Monasterio de San Lorenzo, El Escorial

Воз сена классический,с безликим царем в шапчонке с крестом.

Хотя орел двуглавый на знамени,как и положено,реет...

Triptych of Haywain (central panel)
Oil on panel, 135 x 100 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

А здесь портет царя и корона евонная.

Часом НЕ ЭТА?
