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Название темыRE: Игорь Куринной
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=27647&mesg_id=28044
28044, RE: Игорь Куринной
Послано guest, 20-07-2006 07:34
"...Указом Президента Российской Федерации В.В. Путина в 2003
>году награждён медалью Ордена "За заслуги перед Отечеством
>II степени". В том же году награжден Орденом "Петра
>Великого" II степени и удостоен звания лауреат премии имени
>Михаила Ломоносова в области науки и образования. За работу
>по популяризации идей космонавтики среди молодёжи награждён
>медалью "имени Ю.А.Гагарина" российского
>авиационно-космического агентства и медалью "За большой
>вклад в развитие космонавтики" совета ветеранов
>военно-космических сил..."

Tak na vsiakiy sluchay nize eshe para otzivov o "nedoobrazovannom" kurinom, ne imeyushem pravo na svoe mnenie v borbe (dlia teh kto po nenashemu mozet chitat'):

professor Richard J. Vahl, DC, Ph.D.
Davenport, Iowa USA

"Igor: I want to most sincerely thank you for ... Having been a competitive athlete and athletic trainor and now a Sports Scientist who has worked with many top athletes,trainors and coaches from around the world, I must attest to the excellence of
your outstanding accomplishments and tremendous sports training programs. My heartfelt sincere thanks to you and your terrific organization! "

Gregg Humphreys chief coach of the "Champions judo club" and "Miletich fighting systems" USA:

"...Igor Kurrinoy is just phenomenal. I can't even explain how sick his technique is. That man is an encyclopedia of Sambo. You are very blessed to call him a friend and to have him as a trainer/training partner."

Hatashita international:

"SAMBO legend, Igor Kurrinnoy is Triple World Champion, 5-Time Winner of the World Cup, Judo Black Belt, and Triple Sumo Europe Champion. Mr. Kurinnoy, known by most as an outstanding SAMBO practitioner, is also an international champion and coach in Judo and Sumo. Under the skillfull direction of Mr. Kurinnoy...
... Furthermore, Mr. Kurinnoy, being both a merited SAMBO and Judo athlete, clearly offers basic, moderate, and advanced techniques applicable to practitioners of both sports. Initial entries, variations, common mistakes, defensive strategies, and examples from competition are all covered brilliantly. Highly recommended to grapplers of all skill levels."

Iz etih strochek tak i predstaet pered glazami tipichniy marginal-diletant zalezshiy ne v svoyo delo sukonnim rylom.