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Название темыRE: Элита
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=34720&mesg_id=34796
34796, RE: Элита
Послано iskander, 14-11-2006 22:41
Извините, что на англицком

L. ordinem (nom. ordo) "row, rank, series, arrangement," originally "a row of threads in a loom," from Italic root *ored(h)- "to arrange, arrangement" (cf. ordiri "to begin to weave," e.g. in primordial), of unknown origin. Meaning "a rank in the (secular) community" is first recorded c.1300; meaning "command, directive" is first recorded 1548, from the notion of "to keep in order." Military and honorary orders grew our of the fraternities of Crusader knights.

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