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Название темыЭто что же получается?
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37726, Это что же получается?
Послано Астрахань, 20-01-2007 16:14

Если была Квадрупла..то должна была быть и Рупла?

The "quadruple", also called 2 doppie, was the coin of highest value ever issued in Rome. Only Pius VI struck it, and only once, in 1777. It weighed 10.90 gr, and it was worth 6 scudi (60 giuli or paoli), although we may think that such a precious piece did not circulate very much, being mainly used for the storage of large sums of money, or for major transactions, as nowadays it happens with banknotes such as 500 Euro, or 1.000 US$, etc.

1 quadrupla d'oro = 2 doppie d'oro = 6 scudi = 20 testoni = 60 giuli = 600 baiocchi


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