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Название темыRE: стоять!
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=41001&mesg_id=41022
41022, RE: стоять!
Послано адвокат, 21-03-2007 15:56
Знал, что СТОЛ, СТУЛ, СТАВИТЬ – от одного корня
Но оказывается и «Одежда священников» (Stole)

«stole»: с английского - стола, палантин, с немецкого - стола, палантин, широкий шарф, с итальянского - туника, епитрахиль

Stole: сущ.; лат.
1) ист. стола (женское платье в Древней Греции и Древнем Риме)
2) палантин, меховая накидка, боа
3) церк. епитрахиль, орарь

stand (v.)
O.E. standan, from P.Gmc. *sta-n-d- (cf. O.N. standa, O.S., Goth. standan, O.H.G. stantan, Swed. stå, Du. staan, Ger. stehen), from PIE base *sta- "to stand" (cf. Skt. tisthati "stands," Gk. histemi "cause to stand, set, place," L. stare "stand," Lith. stojus, O.C.S. stajati; see stet).
"upright slab," usually inscribed, 1820, from Gk. stele "standing block, slab," related to stellein "to set in order, arrange," from PIE *stel- (see stet).
O.E. stole "long robe, scarf-like garment worn by clergymen," from L. stola "robe, vestment," from Gk. stole "a long robe;" originally "garment, equipment," from root of stellein "to place, array," from PIE *stel- (see stolid). Meaning "women's long garment of fur or feathers" is attested from 1889.
still (adj.)
O.E. stille "motionless, stationary," from W.Gmc. *steljaz (cf. O.Fris., M.L.G., M.Du. stille, Du. stil, O.H.G. stilli, Ger. still), from root *stel- "fixed, not moving, standing" (see stall (1)). Meaning "quiet, silent" emerged in later O.E.; noun meaning "quietness, the silent part" first attested 1608, in still of the night. The adverbial sense of "even now, even then, yet" (still standing there) is first recorded 1535, from notion of "without change or cessation" (c.1297); the sense of "even, yet" (e.g. still more) is from 1730. Used as a conjunction from 1722. Meaning "ordinary photo" (as distinguished from a motion picture) is attested from 1916. Euphemistic for "dead" in stillborn (1597). Still-life is from 1695, trans. Du. stilleven.
O.E. stol "seat for one person," from P.Gmc. *stolaz (cf. O.Fris. stol, O.N. stoll, O.H.G. stuol, Ger. Stuhl "seat," Goth. stols "high seat, throne"), from PIE *sta-lo-, locative of base *sta- "to stand" (cf. Lith. pa-stolas "stand," O.C.S. stolu "stool;" see stet). Originally used of thrones (cf. cynestol "royal seat, throne"); change of meaning began with adoption of chair from Fr., which relegated stool to small seats without arms or backs, then "privy" (1410) and thence to "bowel movement" (1533).

Теперь попробуем соединить APO cо STOLE

prefix meaning "from, away from, separate," from Gk. apo, from PIE base *apo- "off, away" (cf. Skt. apa "away from," Avestan apa "away from," L. ab "away from, from," Goth. af, O.E. of "away from").

Получается: "представитель (APO - "от") трона в епитрахили (двойное значение STOLA - "трон"/"стола").