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Название темыRE: Перо Тафур о пирамидах и пресвитере Иване
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=69200&mesg_id=69474
69474, RE: Перо Тафур о пирамидах и пресвитере Иване
Послано guest, 09-06-2010 07:52
В книге, надо сказать, хватает фантастики и путаницы. Вот как, например, описываются египетские пирамиды (глава VIII):

As we were returning to Babylonia along the river Nile, we saw many gardens and fine houses of the nobles, and we took all that day to return, and did not reach our lodgings until midnight. The next day we went to see the Granaries of Joseph, which are three leagues from the mouth of the river, in the desert. Although they say that there are many more further inland, there are only three here, two great ones, and one lesser one. They are diamond shaped, with the apex raised, and they must be much higher than the Great Tower at Seville. As one enters through the door there is a wall joined to another, making a circular fairway which reaches to the top, with many windows. And the beasts, when they are laden, climb up and are unloaded through those windows, and so they fill the granaries to the top. Certainly I never thought that there was such a great building in the world today, nor have I seen the like before or since.

В главах IX, особенно X - о пресвитере Иване:

Пишет о выборах "пресвитера Ивана", значит это целиком титул? О земном рае пишет теперь в связи с Нилом, и где его "Индия" или "Большая Индия", не поймешь, то ли в Африке, то ли в Азии.