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69476, О Düstûrnâme
Послано guest, 12-06-2010 08:45
Процитирую из статьи "Ports of Call- Boccaccio’s Alatiel in the Medieval Mediterranean":

For Vittore Branca, the name “Osbech” evokes Uzbek, khan of the Golden Horde (1313 – 41), instrumental in promoting Genoa’s Black Sea trade and enjoying a favorable reputation in Florentine and Neapolitan mercantile circles.<54> In the 1340s, however, an attack on Chios launched from nearby Smyrna would have evoked not the khan of the Golden Horde but Umur Bey of Aydin — one of the ghazi emirates that sprung up on the Anatolian coast in the early fourteenth century, living by conquest and plunder.<55> An energetic military commander, Umur Bey captured Smyrna around 1329 from the Genoese adventurer Martin Zaccaria, making it his base for raiding the Byzantine coast and Venetian and Hospitaller interests in the Aegean archipelago.<56>
Umur’s exploits are dashingly evoked in the Düstûrnâme, a midfifteenth-century Ottoman chronicle recounting the history of the world from the Creation down to the reign of Mehmet II.<57> Book 18, composed in a vernacular Turkish not yet embellished by the Persian and Arabic elements characterizing later Ottoman court language, narrates the history of the emirate of Aydin from 1307 to 1348.<58>

примечание 57: The Düstûrnâme was composed by Enveri and probably commissioned by the grand vizier Mahmud Pasha (served 1453 – 56 and 1472 – 73). Books 1 – 17 describe the ruling dynasties of Persia down to the Mongols; Books 19 – 22 recount the history of the Ottomans down to 1464. The first two-thirds of Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, ancien fonds turc 250 is written on paper of Genoese manufacture. Book 18 comprises about a third of the whole. Le Destân d’Umûr Pacha, ed. and trans. Irène Mélikoff-Sayar (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1954), 24 – 25, 28 – 29. Quotations from this edition are given parenthetically in the text, with our translations from the French.

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