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Название темыRE: Томирис
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=86648&mesg_id=86651
86651, RE: Томирис
Послано guest, 08-11-2010 09:39
Та же картинка, но получше качество:
<""|> Head of Cyrus Brought to Queen Tomyris - Peter Paul Rubens - circa 1622-1623 Owner/Location: Museum of Fine Arts (United States)

Другой вариант. На заднем плане неслабые хоромы для предводительницы кочевого племени:
Queen Tomyris with the Head of Cyrus - Peter Paul Rubens - circa 1630 Owner/Location: Private collection

Michel Coxcie (1499-1592) - Queen Tomyris With The Head Of Cyrus
Из описания:
This subject of Queen Tomyris' victory over Cyrus was regarded by medieval theologians as a prefiguration of the Virgin's defeat of Satan and was popular as decoration for town halls and other judicial buildings. A painting of this subject is recorded in the Ghent Town Hall in 1587 and a later version of Coxcie's painting still hangs in the Court of Justice at Bruges. Rubens' depiction of the subject, now in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, once hung in Brussels in the palace of Isabella Clara Eugenia, the governor of the Spanish Netherlands.
Кстати, слово judicial напоминает Юдифь, Джудит.