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Название темыЕщё тюрбаны у Дюрера
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=86648&mesg_id=86679
86679, Ещё тюрбаны у Дюрера
Послано guest, 20-12-2010 00:23
Этот пост можно считать также и дополнением к теме tvy "Дюрер римский император Домициан в тюрбане".
Здесь тоже в очередной раз утверждается, что событие имело место в глубокой "античности", а люди в тюрбанах опять изображены только для аллегории якобы.

DÜRER, Albrecht
The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand
Oil on canvas transferred from panel, 99 x 87 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
The altarpiece depicts the legend of the ten thousand Christians who were martyred on Mount Ararat, in a massacre perpetrated by the Persian King Saporat on the command of the Roman Emperors Hadrian and Antonius. Dьrer had depicted this massacre a decade earlier in a woodcut. The painting was commissioned by Frederick the Wise, who owned relics from the massacre, and it was placed in the relic chamber of his palace church in Wittenberg. Although Dьrer had never before tackled a painting with so many figures, he succeeded in integrating them into a flowing composition using vibrant colour.
Dьrer's gruesome scene depicts scores of Christians meeting a violent death in a rocky landscape, providing a veritable compendium of tortures and killings. The oriental potentate in the blue cloak and turban who is directing the action in the lower right corner of the picture, would in Dьrer's time have been perceived as a reference to the threat of Turkish invasion, because of the seizure of Constantinople in 1453. In the centre of the painting is the rather incongruous figure of the artist, holding a staff with the inscription: `This work was done in the year 1508 by Albrecht Dьrer, German.' The man walking with him through this scene of carnage is probably the scholar Konrad Celtis, a friend of Dьrer's who had died just before the painting was completed.

деталь с тюрбанами
This picture was intended for the chamber of relics in the Wittenberg castle chapel, and was created as a result of the Saxonian Elector Frederick the Wise's worship of relics. In several horizontal picture fields, arranged parallel to each other, Dьrer depicted the account in the Legenda aurea of how the Christian company of soldiers with Bishop Achatius, which had been converted to the Christian faith by a miracle, was executed on Mount Ararat. The Roman rulers Hadrian and Antoninus commissioned seven Oriental princes to carry out the execution, and they stand out here in their splendid turbans and robes. (комментарии с http://www.wga.hu )