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86896, Джеффри Китинг о скифах
Послано guest, 06-05-2012 19:43
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Keating Seathrún Céitinn, known in English as Geoffrey Keating, was a 17th century Irish Roman Catholic priest, poet and historian. He was born in County Tipperary c. 1569, and died c. 1644.
http://celt.ucc.ie/published/T100054/index.html The History of Ireland (translation) of Foras Feasa ar Éirinn at University College Cork's CELT- Corpus of Electronic Texts

Of the origin of the children of Mileadh, of their proceedings, and of their transactions, of their genealogy, and of every occurrence that happened to them, from Fénius Farsaidh down to the invasion of Ireland by them, here below (stated).
...Moses, in the tenth chapter of Genesis, where he records the propagation of the posterity of Japheth, sets down that Gomer had three sons, namely Aschenez, Riphath, and Thogorma; however, he does not mention specially the children of Magog according to their names. ...according to the book of invasion which is called Cin Droma Sneachta...
What it says is, that Magog had three sons, namely, Báath, Iobáth, and Fáthachta. From Báath came Fénius Farsaidh, the ancestor of the posterity of Gaedheal; from Iobáth came the Amazons, Bactrians, and Parthians; from Fáthachta came Partholón and (also) Neimheadh, son of Aghnoman, and, accordingly, the Fir Bolg and Tuatha Dé Danann . It is from the posterity of this Fathachta came the great Attila, who brought Pannonia under his sway, and was a length of time perturbing the state of Rome, destroyed and depopulated Aquileia, and made many raids on Germany. It is from Scythia also, of the posterity of Magog by origin, Zeliorbes, king of the Huns, who made war upon the emperor Justinian. It is from Scythia, too, came the Lombards, Hungarians, and Goths . It is from Scythia, likewise, came the Dauni, from whom is called Daunia in Italy, and the name of that country now is Apulia. It is from Scythia also that the Turks have come. But in short, Buchanan, an investigator of the antiquity of the dissemination of the races of the world, says, repeating Epiphanius, that the people of Scythia obtained chief rule shortly after the deluge, and that their sovereignty continued until the predominance of Babylon. The same authors say that it is from Scythia the other countries used to receive institutes and laws and ordinances, and, moreover, that it is they who were the first race which commenced to be honoured after the deluge. Johannes Boemus, in the ninth chapter of the second book which he wrote on the customs of every race, says that the Scythians were never subdued by any dominion. Josephus says that the Greeks called the people of Scythia Magogai. Johannes Nauclerus says that people have come of the race of Scythia by whom very great deeds were done. Let Herodotus bear witness to this in the fourth book where he says that the people of Scythia repelled Darius king of Persia contemptuously from Scythia. Let Justin likewise witness in his history, where he treats of the gallantry of the exploits which the people of Scythia performed: and here are the words of this author:—The people of Scythia, he says, were always without foreign power affecting them or seizing their spoils: they drove back Darius, king of Persia, with disgrace out of Scythia; they slew Cyrus with the entire of his army; Zophyron, the leader of the army of Alexander the great, with his host, was destroyed by them: they had heard of the power of the Romans, and (yet) had never felt it.
From these words it may be understood that it was great was the bravery and the valour which was among the people of Scythia to the time of this author.
The Polychronicon says in the thirty-seventh chapter of the first book, that it is from this word Scythia, Scot is called
...the Fir Bolg and the Tuatha De Danann, because it is from Scythia they all came, according to their origin.

по мнению Полихроникона ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranulf_Higden ), Скот от слова Скифия.
В библии дети Магога (10-я глава Бытия) не названы или вычеркнуты, здесь же приводится некая генеалогия. Утверждают, что из Скифии вышли ломбарды, венгры и готы (все), а также давны, отсюда название Давния в Италии в регионе Апулия (столица Апулии - известный среди православных город Бари). Из Скифии вышли также турки.

по современной википедии, http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Дауния "даунийцы (давны, давнии, откуда и название) — народ иллирийского происхождения, родственный мессапам и певкетам." Была ли Иллирия Скифией?

http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daunia пара картинок, керамика и скульптура давнов

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мессапы — древний италийский народ, населявший юго-восточную оконечность Италии (Апулия). Большая часть исследователей считают мессапов — потомками иллирийцев, переселившихся с Балкан через Адриатическое море<1>, однако существует восходящая к Геродоту традиция считать их потомками жителей острова Крит (согласно Геродоту, бывшие критяне назывались «мессапские япиги»).

очевидно, остров Крит - такая же "утроба народов", как и якобы остров Готланд северных саг.

SECTION XIV Here below (we treat) definitely apart concerning the true origin from which the race of Gaedheal have sprung; and of their proceedings till the arrival of the sons of Míleadh in Ireland.
...it is from Greece they came,

- Мигдония, очевидно, Македония? Болг, очевидно, связано с Болгарией или с Волгой.

XVII. Of the expulsion by Pharao Intuir of the race of Gaedheal from Egypt as follows:
...Thomas Walsingham agrees with this account in Upodigma, where he says: When the Egyptians had been drowned, the portion of the inhabitants who lived after them expelled a certain Scythian nobleman who dwelt amongst them, lest he might assume sovereignty over them. When he had been expelled with his tribe, he came to Spain, where he resided many years, and where his progeny multiplied exceedingly, and thence they came to Ireland.
Know, O reader, that this nobleman was Sru son of Easru, son of Gaedheal, and not Gaedheal himself, notwithstanding Hector Boetius, and notwithstanding also the opinion of the modern English authors who have written on Ireland, and who imagine that it was Gaedheal himself who came to Spain. Because, according to the truth of the seanchus of Ireland, which one should believe in this matter, it was in Egypt that Scota daughter of Pharao Cincris gave birth to Gaedheal, and it was there that he lived till his death; and he did not come from Greece, as others assert, but his father, who was called Niul, came from Scythia.

- "скифский нобиль" - "Моисей" что ли?

попадается запутанная география и маршруты, например:
Section VII.
Of the second conquest which was made on Ireland here, i.e. the conquest of the children of Neimheadh.
...It is the track in which Neimheadh journeyed, coming into Ireland from Scythia on the narrow sea which reaches from the ocean called Mare Euxinum,—it is it (i.e. the narrow sea) which is the boundary between the north-west side of Asia and the north-east side of Europe,— and at the north-west part of Asia are the mountains of Riffé, according to Pomponius Mela, on the boundary line of the narrow sea we have mentioned and the northern ocean. He gave his right hand to the mountains of Riffé, till he came into the ocean to the north, and his left hand towards Europe till he came to Ireland. Thirty-four ships (was) the number of his fleet, and thirty persons in every ship of them.

также география путешествий в Section 17 Of the expulsion by Pharao Intuir of the race of Gaedheal from Egypt as follows.
География там очень мутная, например:
...Some seanchas state that the route taken by Sru son of Easru and his followers was through the Red Sea and south-eastward through the ocean, having Taprobana on their right, and Asia on their left to the east, and then turning northwards, having it still on the left, and thence to the extremity of Sliabh Rife, in the north-west part of Asia, and southward through the strait that separates Europe and Asia, and thence to Scythia...

SECTION XII. Of the kings of the Tuatha Dé Danann here, and of the length of their sovereignty over Ireland.
Nuadha Airgeadlámh, son of Euchtach, son of Eadarlámh, son of Orda, son of Allaoi, son of Tat, son of Tabharn, son of Enna, son of Iobáth, son of Beothach, son of Iarbhoineol Fáidh, son of Neimheadh, took the kingdom of Ireland thirty years, till he fell in the battle of Magh Tuireadh North.

- сын Орды, сын Аллаои.. сын Энна (Эней?)

Section 2
There are some ancient authors who lay lying charges against the Irish; such as Strabo, who says in his fourth book that the Irish are a man-eating people. My answer to Strabo is, that it is a lie for him to say that the Irish are a people who eat human flesh; for it is not read in the ancient record that there was ever one in Ireland who used to eat human flesh,

- ирландцев обвиняли в каннибализме, но то же отдельные авторы писали и про татар, например, английский хронист Матвей Парижский. Возможно, элементы одной "черной легенды".
