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Название темыРичард Рейнолдс о Сергии Радонежском
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86897, Ричард Рейнолдс о Сергии Радонежском
Послано guest, 14-04-2012 00:36
http://books.google.ru/books?id=gEMsAQAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=ru#v=onepage&q&f=false A chronicle of all the noble emperours of the romaines, from Iulius Caesar, orderly to this moste victorious emperour Maximilian, that now gouerneth, with the great warres of Iulius Caesar, Pompeius Magnus: setting forth the great power, and deuine prouidence of almighty God, in preseruing the godly princes and common wealthes. Set forth by Richard Reynoldes, Doctor in Phisicke. Anno. 1571.

Кратко об этом малоизвестном англ. хронисте / писателе 16-го века:
http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Reynolds,_Richard_(d.1606)_(DNB00) Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 48 by Charlotte Fell Smith
REYNOLDS or RAINOLDE, RICHARD (d. 1606), divine and chronicler, of an Essex family...
...instead of being admitted he went with testimonial letters from the university to Russia...

Пишут, что он побывал в России. В предисловии на латыни он упоминает что-то про Россию. В статье про императора Ираклия содержится вставной рассказ о пророке Магомете с упоминанием России:
(даю переложение на более современный английский, но некоторые слова остались непонятны, кто хорошо понимает в английском, уточните спорные места)

...In the time of this Heraclius the dreadful change of all mankind suddenly was made by reason that the doctrine of Mahomet was spread abroad. This doctrine of Mahomet the Arabians did first embrace, who never obeyed kingdoms or laws lawfully appointed: for Arabians either did exercise robbing of each other at home, or else of their voluntary will abroad, many of them have served under the banner of other Princes for wages. Mahomet wrote a law meet for this licentious people, desirous of liberty, __ the enlarging of liberty his power. Mahomet was born in Arabia as many do write, and first of all joined to him the host of the Saracenes, whereupon afterward mention is made of the host of the Saracenes. I think it good to them how the Saracenes first came: It is manifest by holy Prophet Moyses, that the offspring of Ismael who descended from Agar, did possess Arabia, thereof the city Agra has his name of Agar the mother of Ismael, and their people Agrei, who in the first book of Paralepomenon 5 Chapter are called Agareni, where the limits of Galaad are showed, that name Agareni is in the 92 Psalm. In that same country where it is certain that Agareni were, Ptolomeus places the Saracenes: And the name of Saracenes is in the History of Zenobia, in the histories of Aurelianus Emperour of Rome. It is to be thought that that people called Agareni, had rather be named Saraceni of Sara, because it is more glory for them to baunt that they be born of Sara, then of her handmaid Agar. Mahomet afterward by mention of this glorious name did confirm and strengthen his boast: Crying out that the promise of the kingdom of the world, did appertain unto them only given unto the posterity of Abraham, because they were sons of Sara.
The host of the Saracenes were under the banner of Heraclius, in wars against the Persians, because they were without their wages, traitorously fled from Heraclius. Some Histories write that they were contumeliously __ at Treasurers hands of Heraclius, they said they had not money sufficient to pay to the Romaine soldiers, and to the Greeks, and much less to satisfy such a number of dogs as they were. These Arabians were thieves and lived by spoil, as the Tartars do. The power that fled from Heraclius of the Saracenes, did spoil many towns near to Damascus. Also many spoiling wretches being furthered of Mahomet, for Mahomet married a rich wife, and by his riches and large gifts, brought to pass that his men of war in gifts should hear him, to constitute him their Captain, that their camp might be the stronger, there were taken away all controversies in Religion. Mahomet set forth to them a new form of doctrine, said be had talked with God, thereby thinking to increase his power. The beginning of Mahomets kingdoms is put in the 623 year after Christ: After Mahomet succeeded Amiras his son-in-law, who toke Damascus and made it his Princely seat, after this he toke Gasan (Casan?), and Hierusalem he besieged ii years. The third after Mahomet, was Abumar (Ahumar?), who possessed a great part of Assyria, held in Dominion Egypt. Then Muhavias the 4 king after Mahomet, toke Cesaria and Palestina ii years besieged, and overcoming Orimasda the son of Cosroe, he added Persia to the kingdom of the Saracenes, and made them keep Mahomets laws, which the Persians observe at this day. So in 30 years the Saracenes possessed Arabia, Palestina, Phenitia, Syria, Egipte and Persia. After this they possessed all Africa, and by little and little they went forward into Asia, and largely did set out the law of Mahomet in their Empire: although among them were great tumults and sedition, and division of kingdoms followed them as in all other kingdoms: *** the Princes of the Saracenes ****** Sultany, had their chief Dominion in Syria, Egipt, Affrica, and a great part of Asia about 400 years, until a king of the Saracenes who ruled Pesia, brought the Turks again ** Babilon. Who by little and little receiving the law of Mahomet, they drive out of the kingdom of Persia the Sarasen king, in the time of Constantine Monomachus or of Conradus the Frencheman not long before the setting forth of Godfrid with his power and host into Palestine. It is true the Nation of the Turks is signified under name of Gog and Magogge, the which Esechiel the Prophet says to be a people Northwards, in the 18 Chapter and 19. At appears by the Prophet Daniell, that he speaks of the the Saracenes kingdom, when before *** **** the destruction of iiii Monarchies: __ that such a kingdom should come, which should set forth a new doctrine blasphemous against God, and make war against the saints, who be Christians. This agrees manifestly with the kingdom of the Saracines or Turks, for they have a blasphemous Doctrine, denying Christ to come in the flesh, and many other abominable heresies defacing Christ and his Doctrine. The doctrine the Jews received and many other **: In their Alcaran it is written that holy man Sargius * other Jews, have fate in counsel and set out a certain universal doctrine, which the Turks at this have do hold of Mahomets faith. This Sargius an heretical __ unlearned saining himself to be inspeared of God, came into Russia, and spread many heresies there, and many iudeicall Cerimonies foolish and abominable, which I will set out at large in a book of the Moscovitical kingdom. He lies buried at the Monastery of Troites, called otherways the Monastery of Sargius: by whom the Moscovites say many miracles have been wrought, by his holy meditation prayers fountains of waters have been sprung up, where there has been none to be found. And they say and it is believed, that the body of Sargius never putrefies, and it is a great point of Religion so to believe: All men may see the shape of a body under a cloth, but no man so bould (bold?) to search it, for that were abominable heresy, to doubt or not to believe what is told them of Sargius.
They say by this miracle, there is a pot boiling with meat, and no man brings either water, fire, or meat, yet the pot daily boils and feeds infinite persons, and so continues. A marvel there is so many miserable parsons that die for hunger, and so great miraculous pot.
I myself have been at that Monastery where this Sergius lies buried: And of this writes also an Embassador called Sigismundus, sent from Ferdinando to Basilius this great Emperors father, that rules **** over so many kingdoms.
Mahomet to bring men unto his law, says the kingdom of universal world, is promised unto his Nation, because it is descended from Sara, and that it is to be kept by force of army, and all Nations to be compelled to obey the law of Mahomet, or else to die or live in servitude: who soever speaks against anything in the Alcaran to die. He does permit a man to marry as many wives as he will, and to make divorce at his own pleasure, he punishes homicide and theft as the law of Moyses did, to make a distinction of his people from other Nations. He has appointed certain iudeical Ceremonies, as washing of all their body to be clean from sin: Washing of all the body the Moscovites use, in a hot houses or stoves sweating out their sins, or else they stand without the Church doors: And shaving all parts of their bodies the Turks, Tartars and Persians do use. The law of Mahomet observes Circumcision to confirm a persuasion of a kingdom promised to the posterity of Sara. Their sonday is there the first day of the week, every day they are commanded by their Alcaran to pray 5 times...

Оказывается, "арабы" в "засушливой Аравии" заимствовали московитский обычай мыться в банях, чтобы смыть грехи..

Известно, что "личным «секретарем» Мухаммеда и первым переписчиком Корана был иеромонах-несторианин Сергий". Не с ним ли спутал / отождествил автор Сергия Радонежского? А также спутал / отождествил возможно со Схарией и сектой жидовствующих?

Россия упоминается также в статьях об императорах: 66 Constantinus Barbatus, 71 Constantinus V, 101 Lodovicus.