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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=86648&mesg_id=86899
86899, RE: и о митрополите Филиппе
Послано guest, 19-04-2012 00:12
101 Lodovicus
...And in this place it geeueth me occasion to write of a certaine curse which the Metrapolitan of Mosconia did curse the Emperour withal, as followeth.
*** The Emperour of Russia who is Emperour of Casane and great Emperour of Astracan, on a time was cursed of the Metropolitan of Moscouia, and the Emperour hearing of his curse, sente to the Bishoppe which cursed him, a greate stone in a platter, tauntingly saying: blesse the from famyne for I haue cursed thee. The holye bishop aunswered againe, bishoppes love not to eate stones: the Emperour answered, nor Emperours to be cursed. But sayth the Emperour thou shalt feele not onlye what is the wrath of a Prince by so hard a stonye penaunce, but also thou shalte feele for all thy curse, that my power is without the reach of thy curse. The bishop fearing the Emperours threateninge, fledde to a poore Monasterye, but he was taken, and by the waye he gaue to oure Ladye his Pall and his bishoppes roabe, to Petronilla his hatte, and to S. Michol (whom we call Nicholas) his staffe. And I saw this Metropolitan (as many more Englishe men did to) haue a great Iron chayne about his necke, and caryed on a sledde most vyle to behold, which was neuer seene afore in Moscouia: for the chiefe bishop there, is counted a Saint and father of the Emperour. After this and diuers other tormentes, the Emperour caused him to be torne a sonder with fierce horse: This was done in the yeare of Christ. 1569. at what time as I serued with the Emperour of Moscouia.

дает другую версию убийства, якобы был разорван лошадьми.
