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Название темыбитва при Толбиаке. Хлодвиг - Константин?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=86648&mesg_id=86920
86920, битва при Толбиаке. Хлодвиг - Константин?
Послано guest, 12-07-2012 20:06
Gregory of Tours first inserted the thematic element that has shaped subsequent interpretations of Tolbiac as a climacteric in the course of European history: Clovis is said to have attributed his success to a vow that he had made: if he won, he would convert to the religion of the Christian God who had aided him. He became a Christian in a ceremony at Reims at Christmas 496;<1> the traditional date of the battle of Tolbiac has been established to accord with this firmly attested baptismal date, by accepting as literal truth Gregory's account which has a clear parallel with the conversion of Constantine I, connected by Lactantius with the equally conclusive Battle of the Milvian Bridge.

Historia Francorum ii.30-31 directly affirms the parallel Gregory is establishing with the conversion of Constantine the Great before the Battle of Milvian Bridge


битва при Толбиаке - отражение Куликовской битвы? Хлодвиг - отражение Дмитрия Донского = Константина Великого? Хлодвига обвиняют, что он крестился формально-прагматически, из практических соображений, так же точно говорят и о Константине Великом