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86989, RE: а также Абсирт, Загрей и др. расчлененные
Послано guest, 25-09-2012 05:43
в эту же тему аналогичные примеры

Книга: The progress of the intellect, as exemplified in the religious development ... Авторы: Robert William Mackay - 1801
The story of Osiris is reflected in that of Orpheus and Dionysus Zagreus, and perhaps in the legends of Absyrtus and Pelias, of Aeson, Thyestes, Melicertes, Itys, and Pelops... Hippolytus was in many places associated in divine honours with Apollo "; and, after he had been torn in pieces like Osiris, he was restored to life by the Paeonian herbs of Diana, and kept darkling in the secret grove of Egeria.

Woodcut illustration of the escape of Jason with Medea and the death of her brother Absyrtis

http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%BAbor:Martin_Didier_Pape_-_Plaque_with_Medea\'s_Murder_of_Absyrtus_-_Walters_44281.jp g

Absyrtus, or Apsyrtus (Greek: was in Greek mythology the son of Aeëtes and a brother of Medea and Chalciope. His mother is variously given: Hyginus calls her Ipsia,<1> Hesiod and the Bibliotheca call her Eidyia,<2> Apollonius calls her Asterodeia,<3> and others Neaera or Eurylyte.<4> When Medea fled with Jason, she took her brother Absyrtus with her, and when she was nearly overtaken by her father, she murdered her brother, cut his body into pieces and strewed them on the road, so that her father might thus be delayed by gathering the limbs of his child. Tomi, the place where this occurred, was believed to have derived its name from temno (τέμνω, "cut").<5>
According to another tradition, Absyrtus was not taken by Medea, but was sent out by his father in pursuit of her. He overtook her in Corcyra, where she had been kindly received by King Alcinous, who refused to surrender her to Absyrtus. When he overtook her a second time in the island of Minerva, he was slain by Jason.<6> Apollonius of Rhodes presents a variation on this tradition in Argonautica (Book 4): Jason murdered Medea's brother on one of the 'Brygean Islands' (an island sacred to the goddess Artemis and located in the modern Kvarner Gulf), where he was lured by Medea with false promises – their first (and last) meeting after leaving Colchis.
A tradition followed by Pacuvius,<7> Justin,<8> and Diodorus,<9> called the son of Aeëtes, who was murdered by Medea.<10>

бросать куски брата Медеи, ребенка, чтобы оторваться от погони. Странно.

Согласно Нонну Панополитанскому, Зевс посетил Персефону в виде змея<2>, и та родила ему рогатого младенца<3> Загрея, то есть Диониса... «На монетах 4 в. до н. э. из Праса встречаем изображение женщины, ласкающей Зевса-змея, в ней нетрудно узнать Персефону»<8>.
Едва успев появиться на свет, новорождённый воссел на трон своего отца Зевса и, получив от Зевса скипетр<9>, в подражание великому богу стал своей крохотной ручонкой потрясать молнией и метать перуны<10>.
Однако титаны-заговорщики напали на божественного ребёнка, когда тот смотрелся в зеркало. Гера устранила стражей подарками и с помощью погремушек и зеркала выманила младенца с трона<11>. Какое-то время Дионису удавалось спасаться от преследователей, по очереди превращаясь то в Зевса, то в Крона, то в юношу, то в льва, то в лошадь, то в змею.
Когда же Дионис принял образ быка, титаны настигли его и растерзали<12>, измазав лицо белым мёдом<13>. Семь<14> кусков тела они поместили в треножный сосуд, сварили, поджарили и съели<15>. Осталось нетронутым лишь сердце Диониса, то есть сама сущность бога.
Сердце Диониса
Афина спасла его сердце<11>. Аполлон похоронил его в Дельфах, собрав куски тела в сосуд<16>.
Судьба этого сердца в разных мифах описана по-разному. Где-то полагают, что его проглотил Зевс и дал второе рождение сыну через Семелу. В другом предании сердце было измельчено в порошок, из которого была сделана настойка для Семелы<17>. Где-то Дионис вообще считается внебрачным сыном Зевса и Деметры. В этой версии, мать собрала части ребёнка и возродила их. Где-то полагали, что Дионис возродился сам. Существовало и предание, что Загрей призрачно существовал в Аиде до тех пор, пока Дионис не воссоединился с ним, во время своего сошествия в Аид.

в виде змея Зевс посещал также и Олимпиаду
Существовала легенда, будто отцом Александра был не Филипп, которого отталкивала любовь Олимпиады к змеям, а Зевс, овладевший Олимпиадой во время грозы. Сам Александр поддерживал существование этой легенды в политических целях, но считал своим отцом именно Филиппа.

Поверив Медее, притворившейся жрицей Артемиды, дочери Пелия разрубили и сварили отца<9>.

During Jason's absence, Pelias thought the Argo had sunk, and this was what he told Aeson and Promachus, who committed suicide by drinking poison. However, it is unknown but possible that the two were both killed directly by Pelias. When Jason and Medea returned, Pelias still refused to give up his throne. Medea conspired to have Pelias' own daughters (Peliades) kill him. She told them she could turn an old ram into a young ram by cutting up the old ram and boiling it. During the demonstration, a live, young ram jumped out of the pot. Excited, the girls cut their father into pieces and threw them in a pot, in the expectation that he would emerge rejuvenated. Pelias did not survive. As he was now an accessory to a terrible crime, Jason was still not made king. Pelias' son Acastus later drove Jason and Medea to Corinth and so reclaimed the kingdom.

During Jason's absence, Pelias intended to kill Aeson. However, Aeson committed suicide by drinking bull's blood. His wife killed herself as well, and Pelias murdered their infant son Promachus.<5>
Alternatively, he survived until Jason and his new wife, Medea, came back to Iolcus. She slit Aeson's throat, then put his corpse in a pot and Aeson came to life as a young man. She then told Pelias' daughters she would do the same for their father. They slit his throat and Medea refused to raise him, so Pelias stayed dead.<6>

в нескольких историях фигурирует волшебница Медея

In later Latin poets there are numerous identifications of Palaemon with the sanctuary at the Isthmus, where no archaeological evidence was found for a pre-Augustan cult. In the late 2nd century CE, within the sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia, Pausanias saw a temple of Palaemon, with images in it of Poseidon, Leucothea and Palaemon himself. There is also what is called his Holy of Holies, and an underground descent to it, where they say that Palaemon is concealed. Whosoever, whether Corinthian or stranger, swears falsely here, can by no means escape from his oath. There is also an ancient sanctuary called the altar of the Cyclopes, and they sacrifice to the Cyclopes upon it.<5>

- что за алтар Циклопов? Что-то связанное с кузнечным делом?
