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Название темыRE: Апис-Осирис, Золотой телец и Минотавр
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=86648&mesg_id=87001
87001, RE: Апис-Осирис, Золотой телец и Минотавр
Послано guest, 14-10-2012 12:05
Classical Greek mythology and Egyptian religious writings yield also clear parallels between the sacrificial bull Apis and the Minotaur whose name means simply the "Bull of Minos":
> The Apis Bull was miraculously engendered by a moonbeam. The Minotaur was miraculously engendered by a sacred bull upon queen Pasiphae whose name meant "she who shines for all" and identifies her as a moon goddess.
> The Apis Bull was kept in a court of the elaborate temple built for the sun-god Ptah, who was also the patron of all smiths and craftsmen and architects. The Minotaur was kept in the Labyrinth built as a scaled-down copy of the Egyptian one by Daedalus, an outstanding smith, craftsman, and architect, and the patron of these trades.
> Ptah the keeper of Apis was a sun-god, and Daedalus the builder of the keep for the Minotaur was a solar hero, flying with wings like the winged suns well known from his purported time. Also, the labyrinth ascribed to him is known from later times as a common symbol of renewal and regeneration and therefore again connected with the sun -- and, as you will see in later chapters, also with the game that represented the sun's course.

An Apis Bull with the sun disk and the two feathers of divine law between his horns to identify him with the sun god and as an upholder of the divine law. From the Dover Pictorial Archive on Egyptian Design

- два пера божественного закона между рогами? Не похожи ли они на божественные скрижали Моисея? И на самом быке изображены кресты?

The Roman author Aelianus describes how this carefully chosen bull received pharaonic honors: Apis was perfumed with the sweetest odors and anointed with precious unguents, and any time he appeared in public, a crowd of boys sang hymns to him because the soul of Osiris was in Apis just as it was in pharaoh.
Other traditions describe Apis also as the incarnation of Ptah, the creator god from Memphis who was similarly linked with the king and had or was his own sacred bull, called Mnevis and very similar to Apis.
On a lintel with the cartouche of king Nectanebo II (360 to 343 BCE), the Apis is even shown as a man with the head of a bull120, like the Cretan Minotaur which may well have filled a similar function.

Апис изображался, подобно Минотавру, человеком с головой быка, т.е. еще более антропоморфизированно. Минотавр также был убит, подобно Апису, которого заколол Камбис (=Моисей?) (кстати и сам Камбис умер от раны, подобной той, что он сам нанес Апису, по Геродоту, садясь на коня нечаянно проткнул себя мечом в ногу и в результате гангрены ноги умер - и снова некая рана ноги), и подобно золотому тельцу, которого уничтожил Моисей.