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87005, RE: Христос и Артемида, упавшие с неба
Послано guest, 19-10-2012 00:46
еще несколько добавлений-цитат

http://www.auss.info/auss_publication_file.php?pub_id=924&journal=1&type=pdf INTERPRETATIONS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN DANIEL 2:44
...Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus in Syria, in his commentary on Daniel 2 writes:
Therefore we are taught both by the Old and the New Testament that our Lord Jesus Christ has been designated the stone. For He was cut out of the mountain without hands, being born of a virgin apart from any nuptial intercourse, and the divine scripture had always been accustomed to name him as having had his origin contrary to nature, the cutting out of a stone.13
However, while the view that "the stone cut out without hands" refers to Christ's incarnation seemed to be generally held, this does not mean that the stone smiting the image was therefore also understood to refer to the first advent of Christ. Some Church Fathers applied it to the first and others to the second advent...
...Then after quoting Dan 2:44, 45 he states that "Christ is the stone which is cut out without hands, who shall destroy temporal kingdoms, and introduce an eternal one, which is the resurrection of the just."15
Irenaeus obviously saw a long time period between the cutting out of the stone, i.e., Christ's incarnation, and the stone smiting the image which he placed in the future, after the division of the empire.

...Of this advent the same prophet says: "Behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven...

22The Treatise of Cyprian... 16. That He <т.е. Христос> is also called a stone. 17. That subsequently that stone should become a mountain, and should fill the whole earth... 22. That in this sign of the cross is salvation for all who are marked on their foreheads." ...

...His disciple Hippolytus (d. 236), author of the oldest surviving commentary on Daniel, after discussing the little horn in Dan 7, which he interprets as the coming Antichrist, says: "After a little space the stone will come from heaven which smite the image and breaks it in pieces and subverts all the kingdoms, and gives the kingdom to the saints of the Most High. This is the stone which becomes a great mountain, and fills the whole earth."26

All historicists agree that the stone represents Christ.42 The Messiah is the stone which the builders rejected and which became the chief cornerstone (Matt 21:42). He is the "tried stone," prophesied in Isaiah 28:16, the "precious cornerstone" that is laid in Zion as "a sure foundation."43 But is it Christ at his first or at his second coming? We find both views among historicists.

речь об этом сне-видении Навуходоносора из книги пророка Даниила 2:31-35:
31 Тебе, царь, было такое виде­ние: вот, какой-то большой истукан; огромный был этот истукан, в чрезвычайном блеске стоял он пред тобою, и страшен был вид его.
32 У этого истукана голова была из чистого золота, грудь его и руки его – из серебра, чрево его и бедра его медные,
33 голе­ни его железные, ноги его частью железные, частью глиняные.
34 Ты видел его, доколе камень не оторвал­ся от горы без содействия рук, ударил в истукана, в железные и глиняные ноги его, и раз­бил их.
35 Тогда все вместе раз­дробилось: железо, глина, медь, серебро и золото сделались как прах на летних гумнах, и ветер унес их, и следа не осталось от них; а камень, раз­бив­ший истукана, сделал­ся великою горою и наполнил всю землю.

комментаторы считали, что этот особый камень - Христос, непорочно зачатый и рожденный от девы. В англ. переводе говорится, что камень был cut out without hands:

31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible.
32 This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

31 Thou, kyng, siyest, and lo! as o greet ymage; thilke ymage was greet, and hiy in stature, and stood bifore thee, and the loking therof was ferdful.
32 The heed of this ymage was of best gold, but the brest and armes weren of siluer; certis the wombe and thies weren of bras,
33 but the leggis weren of irun; forsothe sum part of the feet was of irun, sum was of erthe.
34 Thou siyest thus, til a stoon was kit doun of the hil, with outen hondis, and smoot the ymage in the irun feet therof and erthene feet, and al to-brak tho.
35 Thanne the irun, tijl stoon, ether erthene vessel, bras, siluer, and gold, weren al to-brokun togidere, and dryuun as in to a deed sparcle of a large somer halle, that ben rauyschid of wynd, and no place is foundun to tho; forsothe the stoon, that smoot the ymage, was maad a greet hil, and fillide al erthe.

2:34 Videbas ita, donec abscissus est lapis sine manibus et percussit statuam in pedibus eius ferreis et fictilibus et comminuit eos; (Nova Vulgata)

в комментариях есть утверждение, что этот камень упал с неба - т.е. метеорит? 1421 года?

то что он поражает колосса-идола-истукана в уязвимую глиняную пяту, очень напоминает случай с Ахиллом и его пятой. Можно повспоминать и какие-то другие дублирующие примеры.

и сравните с этим:
Mary or Maria is actually Diana of the Ephesians whose image fell down from Zeus:
And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana (Artemis), and of her image which fell down from Zeus. (Acts 19:35).
There is a very good possibility that the image was a meteorite stone and is now worshipped at the Kaaba in Mecca!!
...The image of Diana of the Ephesians was a meteorite stone and both religions are so similar that it could be the very same stone that is now worshipped at the Kaaba in Mecca!! Meteorites were a common part of pagan worship and the image that fell from Zeus was a meteorite. The Black Stone in the Kaaba at Mecca could be the very same stone!! Only the pagan Pontiffs who started that religion know for sure!!

отрывок из Деяний Апостолов:
http://azbyka.ru/biblia/?Act.19 19:35
Ути́шивъ же кни́жникъ нарóдъ, речé: мýжiе Ефéсстiи, ктó бо éсть человѣ́къ, и́же не вѣ́сть, я́ко Ефéсскiй грáдъ служи́тель éсть вели́кiя боги́ни Артеми́ды и Дiопéта?
Блюститель же порядка, утишив народ, сказал: мужи Ефесские! какой человек не знает, что город Ефес есть служитель великой богини Артемиды и Диопета?
Et cum sedasset scriba turbam, dixit: «Viri Ephesii, quis enim est hominum, qui nesciat Ephesiorum civitatem cultricem esse magnae­ Dianae­ et simulacri a Iove delapsi?

м.б. delapsi от lapis, камень?

35 And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?
35 And whanne the scribe hadde ceessid the puple, he seide, Men of Effesie, what man is he, that knowith not, that the citee of Effesians is the worschipere of greet Dian, and of the child of Jubiter?

русский перевод про "Артемиду и Диопета" не ясен, в англ. перевели "упавшая с Зевса", т.е. видимо с неба. Геродот про персов пишет, что они "весь небесный свод называют Зевсом" (I 131). Да и слово пет очень напоминает русское пад(ать).

http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/greek/nas/diopetes.html Diopetes
Definition: fallen from Zeus, i.e. from heaven, an image of the Ephesian Artemis which was supposed to have fallen from heaven.

In the Book of Acts — the only surviving history of the first years of Christianity — Miriam, the humble mother of Joshua of Nazareth — is only mentioned once... All of her subsequent history was also destroyed by Emperor Diocletian.
At the time of Christ, all the world worshipped the great female goddess under different names. The Greeks called her Artemis and the Romans called her Diana or Venus:
So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth. (Acts 19:27).