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87009, RE: Bell's New Pantheon Or Historical Dictionary... 179
Послано guest, 07-10-2012 21:22
GAMES Olympic
Their Origin. — The greatest and most venerable personages of antiquity, the Idaean Hercules, Clymenus, Endymion, Pelops, and Hercules, son of Jupiter and Alcmena, have been severally introduced as the inventors or revivers of these games... Pausanias tells us, that these games were ordered to be celebrated every five years, because the brothers, called Idaei Dactyli, of whom the Idaean Hercules was the elder, were five in number... the Eleans have carried their antiquities higher, naming, for the authors of these games, Jupiter and Saturn, who, as they pretend, in the very place where the games were celebrated, wrestled with each other for the empire of the world. Others affirm them to have been instituted by Jupiter, in commemoration of his victory over the Titans...
- победа над титанами - Куликовская битва

GARGITTIUS, a dog which kept the flocks of Geryon, and was destroyed by Hercules.

GIANTS, GIGANTES... Among the names of the giants we find those of Briareus, from beri, serenity, and bareus, lost, to shew the temperature of the air destroyed; Roechus, from ruach, the wind; Othus, from ouitta, or othus, the times, to typify the vicissitude of seasons; Ephialtes, from evi, or ephi, clouds, and altah, darkness, i. e. dark gloomy clouds; Porphyrion, from pharpher, to separate minutely, denoting the general dissolution of the primaeval system; Enceladus, from enceled, violent springs or torrents, and Mimas, from maim, great, and heavy rains. Now the literal signification of these leads us to the sense of the allegory, which was designed to point out the fatal consequences of the flood, and the considerable changes it introduced with regard to the face of nature. This is further confirmed by the tradition of the Egyptians, that their Osiris vanquished the giants, and that Orus his son, in particular, stopped the pursuit of Roechus, by appearing before him in the form of a lion...
GIGANTOPHONTIS, an epithet of Minerva or Pallas, from the aid she gave Jupiter in the war of the giants.

золотой телец как имитация Исиды или Аписа:
GOLDEN CALF... in imitation of which the Israelites created their Golden Calf... Some of the ancient Fathers have been of opinion that this idol had only the face of a calf, and the form of a man from the neck downwards, in imitation of the Egyptian Isis; others have thought it was only the head of an ox, without a body; but the most general opinion is, that it was an entire calf, in imitation of the Apis of the Egyptians...

GOLDEN CALVES, two idols, in the form of calves, set up by Jeroboam, son of Nebat, king of Israel.
...Some have thought that these Golden Calves of Jeroboam were designed in imitation of the Cherubims which Moses had placed upon the ark of the covenant; but St. Jerom, and the generality of commentators, believe Jeroboam intended to imitate the worship of the ox Apis, which he had seen practised in Egypt, during his abode there, towards the end of Solomon's reign. Salmaneser, king of Assyria, having marched against Samaria, is said to have carried away these Golden Calves, with all the people who worshipped them.

...Ino, his second wife, falling in love with Phryxus, and being rejected in her advances, took the opportunity of a great famine...
...it was guarded by bulls breathing fire, together with a dragon that never slept...

GOLDEN IMAGE, a large image, or idol, erected by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, in the plain of Dura.
...Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego... were cast into a burning furnace, where their lives were miraculously preserved.
- и снова здесь некая золотая статуя, которой нужно поклоняться, и троица мудрецов (м.б. аналог трех волхвов?) за отказ поклонения Навуходоносором (Иродом?) бросаются (или бросают что-то) в огненную печь (м.б. металлургический горн). А перед этим царю снится сон про колосса о глиняных ногах (Талос?), в уязвимые глиняные ноги которого попадает некий камень (Ахиллесова пята?). (Можно вспомнить, что и при Нероне возводится некий золотой колосс, отсюда якобы и слово колизей. А также колосса родосского)

Фольклористы отмечают родство сюжета огненной пещи с распространенным среди многих народов мифологическим сюжетом «огненного закаливания» (закаливание Деметрой-служанкой младенца Демофонта в очаге, один из вариантов закаливания Фетидой Ахилла — в огне, печь Бабы-Яги, которая позволяет Иванушке и прочим не умереть, а набраться сил, чтобы сокрушить старуху, и проч.). Исследователи предполагают, что корнем этих мотивов является древний (недошедший) обряд инициации огнем — испытание, закаливание, наделяющее подростка качествами мужчины<4>.

GORGONES, GORGONS... There were other Gorgons also, born of the same parents; for which see Graeae.
три тысячи горгон, спасаясь от амазонок, укрылись в лесу... считалось, что они жили в лесах. В некой стране Ливии у озера Тритона. Считается, что это Африка, но изобиловала ли современная Ливия в ближайшем прошлом такими лесами, чтобы там укрывались целые армии?

GRAEAE, three sisters represented as three old women who lived in Scythia... They are sometimes also called Lamiae and Empusae...
а сестры горгон граи жили в Скифии, значит и горгоны жили где-то неподалеку, а не в Африке.

GRUS, a dance annually performed at Delphi by the young Athenians round the altar of Apollo, in the festival observed to the honour of that god. The steps and figures of this dance were designed to express the turnings and windings of the Cretan Labyrinth, in which Theseus killed the Miaotaur.

HALYATTES. See Alyattes. - - - - м.б. Голиаф?

...Let us review the history of the Egyptian Hercules. About the year of the world 2131, the person distinguished by the name of Hercules Assis succeeded Janias as king of Lower Egypt, being the last of the Hycsos, or shepherd-kings, from Canaan, who had possessed that country 259 years. He continued the war with the kings of Upper Egypt forty-nine years, and then, by agreement, withdrew with his subjects, to the number of 240,000. In his retreat he is said to have founded, first the city of Jerusalem, and afterwards, that of Tyre, where he was called Melearthas, or king of the city. From Egypt he brought the computation of 365 days to the year, and established it in his own kingdom, where it continued many ages. In his voyages he visited Africa, where he conquered Antaeus; Italy; France; Spain as far as Cadiz, where he slew Geryon, and proceeded thence even to the British islands, settling colonies, and raising pillars wherever he came, as the standing monuments of himself, and of the patriarchal religion he had planted; for pillars placed on eminences in circular order were the temples of those early times, there being as yet no footsteps of idolatry either in Egypt or Phoenicia. To his arrival in these islands, and not in Liguria, must be applied whatever is related of his encounter with Albion and Bergion. Albion is the name given afterwards to this country, and by the miraculous shower of stones during that engagement, no more is intended, than that the inhabitants were at last reconciled to Hercules, on account of the divine religion which he taught, and the great number of those open temples of stone he erected. In these expeditions he is said to have been attended by Apher, grandson of Abraham, whose daughter he married, and by whom he had a son named Dodoras. To him the Phoenicians were indebted for the gainful trade of tin, which gave name to these islands, Britannia, it being derived from Barat-anac, the land of tin. He also discovered the purple dye, and seems to have been the first who applied the load-stone, thence called lapis Heraclius, to the purposes of navigation. He is supposed to have at last been drowned, and was believed to have become one of the first objects of idolatry amongst his country-men. The solemnities consecrated to him were performed in the night, as to one who, after all his labours, had at length gained a place and opportunity of resting. Manetho calls him Arcles.
...As to Hercules' amours, and his weaknesses for women, it was a very common subject among the ancient artists to make Cupids taking away his club, or to represent him, like the vast St. Christophers of the modern statuaries, bending under a little boy.

HERTA, Or HERTHA, an idol or deity worshipped by the ancient Germans, particularly in the island Rugen. ...Some authors think they worshipped the earth under the name of Herta, or Hertha, and that the ancient Britons likewise built a temple to this deity, the remains of which are the famous Stonehenge, on Salisbury-plain. Her festivals were generally solemnized in the night, whence might come the English custom of reckoning by the night, as seven-night, fortnight.
- слово Стоунхедж написано как Stonehenge.

JANUS, a Pagan deity, particularly of the ancient Romans, for the Greeks had no Janus, as we learn from Ovid.
...According to Cato, he was a Scythian prince, who, at the head of a victorious army, subdued and depopulated Italy: but the most probable opinion is that he was an Etrurian king, and one of the earliest monarchs of that country, which he governed with great wisdom, according to the testimony of Plutarch, who says, "Whatever he was, whether a king or a god, he was a great politician, who tempered the manners of his subjects, and taught them civility, on which account he was regarded as the god of peace, and never invoked but during the time of war."— From Fabius Pictor, one of the oldest Roman historians, we learn that the ancient Tuscans were first taught by Janus to improve the vine, to sow corn; and to make bread, and that he first raised temples and altars to the gods. He is said to have been a very ancient king of Italy, who not only gave Saturn a kind reception, when driven from Crete by his son Jupiter, but admitted him his associate in the kingdom.— During the joint government of Janus and Saturn, they built two cities, the one called Janiculum, and the other Saturnium. Janus was esteemed the wisest sovereign of his time, and because he was supposed to know what was past, and what was to come, they feigned that he had two faces, whence the Latins give him the epithets Biceps, Bifrons, and Biformis. Some say his two faces only intimate his government of two nations, or because upon his sharing the government with Saturn...
...and indeed that the Titan prince taught them to cultivate the ground, and to live in peace; which blessings perhaps distinguished that happy period stiled the Golden Age. This deity is introduced by Ovid as describing his origin, office, and form: he was the ancient Chaos, or confused mass of matter before the formation of the world, the reduction of which into order and regularity, gave him his divinity. Thus deified, he had the power of opening and shutting every thing in the universe: he was arbiter of peace and war, and keeper of the door of heaven. — He was the god who presided over the beginning of all undertakings: the first libations of wine and wheat were offered to him, and the preface of all prayers directed to him. The first month of the year took its denomination from Janus. There is nothing to be found concerning his posterity. His wife, by some, is said to have been Vesta, who instituted the sacred fire; according to others, she was the goddess Carma or Carna, who presided over the vital parts, and occasioned a healthy constitution of body. It is certain that Janus early obtained divine honours among the Romans. — Romulus and Tatius built a temple to him, in memory of the union between the Romans and Sabines; and Numa Pompilius instituted an annual festival to him in January, which was celebrated with manly exercises. Numa ordained, that his temple should be shut in time of peace, and opened in time of war, from which ceremony Janus was called Clusius and Patulcius; though Virgil makes this ceremony to be older than the time of Numa. The Romans being a warlike people, the temple of Janus was seldom shut; indeed it happened but thrice for several centuries, once in the reign of Numa, again in the consulate of Attilius Balbus and Manlius Torquatus, some years before the first Punic war, and a third time in the reign of Augustus Caesar, after the death of Antony and reduction of Egypt. The reason why the Romans made Janus preside over peace and war, seems to be wholly founded on an ancient legend, related by Macrobius, to the following purpose. In the time of the Sabine war, as the Romans were engaged with the enemy, at no great distance from the gate at the bottom of the Collis Viminalis, a party of the soldiers who were left to guard the city, hastened to shut the gate, for fear of what might happen. The gate was no sooner shut than it opened again of itself: this was repeated three several times, on which the soldiers finding it resolved to keep open, associated in a powerful body to defend that entrance against the enemy. In the mean time, as the Romans, who were fighting without, were considerably worsted, an alarm was spread by the fugitives of their being defeated. The guard seized with a panic, immediately fled, and left the gate standing open, without a defence. This being noticed by the troops of the Sabines, they hastened to enter the gate, when a torrent of water, (others say fire) issued from the temple of Janus, rushed through the gate, and overwhelmed the Sabines. In memory of this miraculous deliverance, the gate was hence named Janualis, and in every future war the gates of the temple of Janus were always left open. To this custom he ascribed the origin of placing in the temple of this god the statues of War and Peace, as that gave the poets a notion that war was confined and peace secured by Janus...
...Mythologists think that Janus was the sun... Some of the learned pretend that the Roman Janus was the scriptural Noah, and derive the name from the Hebrew Jajin, which signifies wine, because that patriarch was the first planter of vines. — The two faces, according to them, signified his having seen the old world before the deluge, and the new world after it. Others, upon no better a foundation than a similitude of names, make him to be Javan, son of Japhet. "The great office of Janus," says Mr. Spence, "was to preside over the gates of heaven, as he himself informs us in Ovid, and he was therefore sometimes represented with a staff in one hand, and a key in the other. The Romans looked on him as the most ancient of beings, and say that his majesty comprehended the whole universe. In the Salian verses he had even the high title of the god of gods... Abbe la Pluche derives him from the Egyptians: that nation made known the rising of the Dog-star, which opened their solar years, by an image with a key in its hand, and two faces, one old, the other young, to typify the old and the new year.

KUTUCHTA, the name which the Calmuc Tartars and Western Monguls give to their highpriest, or sovereign pontiff. The Dalai Lama, or high-priest of the Tartars, formerly established the Kutuchta as his vicegerent, or suffragan, over the northern people of Mongul and Ajuha;...

LAMA, the name of the sovereign pontiff, or high priest of the Asiatic Tartars, inhabiting the country of Barantola. This kingdom is governed by two kings, or chief governors, the first of whom, called Deva, applies himself to the government of the state; and the other, Lama, (the subject of this article) lives retired from the world, and is venerated by the inhabitants and kings of Tartary as a deity, who send him rich presents...

LAPIDEUS, Or LAPIS, an epithet of Jupiter among the Romans, who believed that an oath made in the name of Jupiter Lapis was the most solemn of all oaths...

MANIPA, the name of a monstrous idol worshipped in the kingdoms of Tangut and Barantola in Tartary...

MARS... Thero, or Fierceness, was his nurse, and he received his education among the Scythians, the most barbarous of all nations, who acknowledged no other god. Lucian tells us, that Juno gave Mars to be educated by Priapus, who, according to the same author, was one of the Titans, or, of the Idaei DacTyli, and taught his pupil dancing, with such other exercises as were the preludes of war. If we would fully unravel the history of Mars, we must distinguish several princes of the name. The first, to whom Diodorus attributes the invention of arms, and the art of marshalling troops, was undoubtedly Belus, whom the sacred text calls Nimrod. The second Mars was an ancient king of Egypt; the third was king of Thrace, named Odin, who so signalized himself by his valour and conquests, that he was considered by that warlike nation as the deity of War; this was he whom they stiled the Hyperborean Mars, and whom Pausanias represents as having been nursed by Thero. The fourth is called the Mars of Greece, surnamed Ares. The fifth and last, is the Mars of the Latins, who entered the prison of Rhea Sylvia, and became the father of Romulus and Remus; this was Amulius, the brother of Numitor... The Scythians worshipped Mars with particular rites: they built a kind of temple of vinebranches, heaped on each other, and, for a statue of the god, placed a scymetar upon it. To this scymetar they offered annual sacrifices of sheep, horses, and the tenth part of the captives taken in war... But whatever may be the ordinary appearance of the god, he certainly was of Egyptian original. This nation was divided into three classes, priests, husbandmen, and artificers; of these, the first were, by their profession, exempt from war, and the latter reckoned too mean to defend the state, so that their militia was wholly taken from the second body. In the sacrifices which preceded the military expeditions of Egypt, their Isis appeared in a warlike dress, a circumstance that gave rise to the Grecian Pallas, or Minerva. The Horus which accompanied this figure, was also equipped with his helmet and buckler, and called by the name of Harits, or the formidable, from harits, violent and enraged. The Syrians softened this word to Hazis, the terrible in war; the Greeks changed it to Ares; the Gauls pronounced it Hesus; and the Romans and Sabines, Warets, or Mars. Thus the military Horus of the Egyptians is supposed to have been personified, and made the god of combats and wars.

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сцимитар — рубящее или рубяще-колющее клинковое холодное оружие. Имеет вид сабли, с изогнутым лезвием. Гарда развитая, защищает кисть. Елмань отсутствует. Иногда название сцимитар применялось как собирательное к азиатским саблям.
СсылкиОт сабли и шашки отличается более широким лезвием, меньшим углом заточки. Не предназначен для колющего удара. В ряде случаев снабжался шипом со стороны обуха либо рядом отверстий, сквозь которые продевались кольца, что роднит его с некоторыми видами китайских мечей. Использовался монгольскими племенами в период раздробленности. Оружие всадника. Масса - 2-2.5 килограмма. "Оружие Востока и Запада.", Захаров И.И. (с)

MEROS, a mountain in India, sacred to Jupiter, and, according to Pliny, the same with Nysa. Meros, in Greek, signifying a thigh, it was thence fabled that Bacchus, who was brought up on this mountain, had been bred in the thigh of Jupiter.

MOLOCH, a false god of the Ammonites, who dedicated their children to him by making them pass through the fire.
...Solomon built a temple to Moloch, upon the Mount of Olives; and Manasseh, a long time after, imitated his impiety, by making his son pass through the fire in honour of Moloch... The Rabbins assure us that the image of Moloch was of brass, sitting upon a throne of the same metal, adorned with a royal crown, having the head of a calf, and his arms extended: they add, that when children were offered to him they heated the statue within by a great fire; and when it was burning hot they put the miserable victim within his arms, where it was soon consumed by the violence of the heat. ...some believe he was the same with Saturn; some with Mercury; some with Mars; others with Mithras; others with Venus; and, lastly, the Sun, or King of Heaven. Moloh was likewise called Milkom, as appears from what is said of Solomon, "that he went after Ashtaroth the abomination of the Zidonians, and Milkom, the abomination of the Ammonites."
- этот Молох напоминает Талоса, возможно быка Фалариса и Минотавра

NEBRODES, an epithet of Bacchus, which, in the opinon of some authors, is the very same as Nimrod.

NERIA, NERIS, Or NERIONE, wife of Mars. "There is a relievo at Rome," says Mr. Spence, which has puzzled all the antiquaries a great deal: .. Mars directs his steps to the figure of a beautiful nymph lying on the ground, who is represented as Eve might be when just created. Who this person should be is what has made the great difficulty. ..We learn from Aulus Gellius, one of their old critics, that she was originally a goddess of the Sabines,

NIMROD, son of Cush, was a mighty hunter; an employment which the fear of being overpowered by wild beasts in his days rendered necessary. Some will have Nimrod to have been the Saturn of the ancients, and some Ninus; but it is most likely he was the Bel, or Belus, so often mentioned in profane history. It is probable the Greeks confounded Bacchus with Nimrod, for which see the article Bacchus. See also Bel, and Ninus.

палладиум упал с неба (метеорит?), был собран из костей Пелопса (Осириса?), был продан скифами троянцам:
PALLADIUM, a statue of the goddess Pallas, preserved in Troy, whereon the fate of that city depended. The tradition is, that in building a citadel in honour of Pallas, and a temple in the loftiest situation, the palladium dropped from heaven, and marked out the place which the goddess was pleased to possess. After this, Apollo gave an oracle, importing, that Troy should never be taken while the Palladium was found within its walls. Authors differ as to the palladium, some making it of wood, and say, that it could move its eyes and shake its spear; others report, that it was composed of the bones of Pelops, and sold by the Scythians to the Trojans. Ulysses and Diomedes entering into Troy through subterraneous passages, found means to steal the palladium, and the city was soon after taken and destroyed. Virgil, as of the Trojan party, says, that Diomedes seized the palladium with his hands all bloody, which, according to their notions, would have been an high act of impiety; but the artists, who were usually Greeks, represent him as covering his hand in his robe, and so taking the image with reverence. Some are of opinion that it was a counterfeit palladium which the Greek generals carried off, and that Aeneas preserved the true one, brought it with him into Italy, and deposited it at Lavinium, from whence it was removed to Rome, and placed in the temple of Vesta. When this edifice was consumed by fire, Metellus, a noble Roman, rushed in and brought off the palladium, though with the loss of his eyes; in recompence for which heroic aftion, he had the privilege of coming to the Senate in a chariot, which none ever had before, that the honour might in some degree allay the sense of his misfortune. The Romans, vain of their Trojan descent, regarded the palladium in the same light with their ancestors, and thought the security and duration of their empire annexed to the possession of this guardian image. The figure of the palladium is often to be met with on gems, with the little round shield or parma in one hand, and spear in the other.

PAN ...That extraordinary voice, which, according to Plutarch, was heard in the Ionian sea, and which pronounced these words, The great Pan is dead, the astrologers consulted by Tiberius, upon the credit of Thaumus, who averred that he heard it, told that prince, that it meant Pan the son of Penelope. It is probable that Thaumus had been suborned to terrify the emperor, unless we chuse to say with Eusebius, that the voice was supernatural, and, that God was pleased by it to intimate to the world the death of the Messiah, which happened under the reign of that emperor… The Arcadians kept perpetual fire in his temples. The Romans adopted him among their deities, by the names of Lupercus and Lycaeus, and built a temple to him at the foot of Mount Palatine. His festivals, called Lupercalia, were instituted by Evander, who being exiled Arcadia, fled for refuge to Faunus, king of the Latins, and was by him allowed to settle near the Palatine Mount. Romulus increased the ceremonies and magnificence of these feasts. Pan is represented with a smiling ruddy face, and thick beard covering his breast, two horns on his head, a star on his bosom, legs and thighs hairy, and the nose, feet, and tail of a goat... One might add, that in the old stories of the Sabat, the devil is most usually said to have appeared in the shape of a goat; ...Some will have Pan to be the same with the Sun, by whom all things are governed and directed... and his pipe of seven reeds, that celestial harmony which is made by the seven planets; lastly, his sheep-hook denotes that care and providence by which he governs the universe.
- смерть бога Пана при Тиберии как смерть мессии? Возможно, речь о Христе?

PANATHENAEA, an Athenian festival in honour of Minerva, protectress of Athens.
...In the songs upon this occasion, they rehearsed the generous undertakings of Harmodius and Aristogiton, who opposed the tyranny of the sons of Pisistratus, and of Thraeybulus also, who delivered the Athenians from the thirty tyrants imposed upon them by the Lacedemonians… In fine, during the sacrifices at this and other quinquennial solemnities, it was customary to pray for the Plataeans, on account of the signal service they had done the Athenians at the battle of Marathon, where they behaved with extraordinary courage.

PAPAEUS, a Scythian appellative of Jupiter.

PARAXACTI. The Mongul Tartars say, that in the beginning God created a woman, whose name was Paraxacti, which signifies sublime power; that this woman had three sons, the first of whom was born with five heads, and called Bruma, which signifies knowledge, and he was endowed with the power of creating all inferior beings; that the name of the second was Vixnu, who was to be the lord of providence, by preserving all things as they came from the hands of Bruma; and that the third son was named Rutrem, who had power given him to destroy all things which his two brothers had made and preserved. See Rutrem, Bruma, Vixnu.

PESSINUNTIA, a name of Cybele, from a certain field in Phrygia, into which an image of her fell from heaven, whence the place was called Pessinus, and the goddess, Pessinuntia. In this place the Phrygians first began to celebrate the Orgia to this goddess. We find from Herodian, that the image which fell from heaven was nothing but a shapeless stone.

PHILOCTETES, son of Paean and Demophassa, was the faithful companion of Hercules, who, at his death, obliged him to take an oath not to discover the place where his ashes were deposited, and bequeathed to him his arrows impregnated with the blood of the Hydra. Philoctetes carried seven ships against Troy; and the Greeks at the siege of that city, being informed that they could never take it, without these arrows, went to Philoftetes, and insisted upon his discovering the circumstances of Hercules' death, and the place where his ashes were buried. PhiIoctetes, to evade the guilt of perjury, did not directly inform them where the hero was entombed, but went to the place, and stamping upon it with his foot, pointed out to them his grave. He was punished notwithstanding for this tacit violation, by one of the poisoned arrows which fell upon the foot. The wound occasioned him excruciating agony, but was at length cured by Machaon. Some report that by reason of the stench of this foot, Philoctetes was left upon the isle of Lemnos, and that Modon headed his troops against Troy; others, that he was stung by a serpent. But whatever were the fact, Homer introduces Philoctetes before Troy, where he killed Paris with one of his arrows. It is said that Philoctetes was the founder of Petilia in Italy.
- остров Лемнос, где был оставлен Филоктет, - место кузницы Гефеста и циклопов, место куда Гефест упал с неба (Ярославский метеорит 1421 года?). Без Филоктета, без стрел Геракла, которые ему оставил сам Геракл и которому он сам зажег костер по его просьбе, не могла быть взята Троя - м.б. речь шла об особо мощных пушках при взятии Константинополя 1453 года? Рана Филоктета напоминает ранение Ахилла в пяту, зловоние от раны может быть неким дымом, чадом.

PLUVIUS, a surname of Jupiter. Under this title the Athenians erected a statue to him on Mount Hymettus. Trajan's army, when reduced to great extremity, occasioned by an excessive drought, making a vow to Jupiter Pluvius, obtained in a moment abundance of rain.

POLYPHEMUS, son of Neptune, a giant who like the Cyclops had, but one eye, which was placed in his forehead. He kept sheep in the island of Sicily, and, like Cacus and Caeculus, lived by rapine and murder...

PROMETHEUS, was son of Japetus, but it is doubtful whether his mother were Asia, Asope, or Themis. ...Some authors imagine Prometheus to be the same with Noah. The learned Bochart supposes him to be Magog. Each opinion is supported by arguments which do not want the shew of probability.

PYRRHICA, a kind of dance so called, the origin of which is by some referred to Minerva, who led up a dance in armour after the conquest of the Titans; by others, to the Curetes, or Corybantes, who were guardians of Jupiter while in his cradle, and leaped up and down clashing their weapons, to prevent Saturn from hearing the cries of his son. Pliny attributes the invention to Pyrrhus, son of Achilles, who instituted such a company of dancers at the funeral of his father. That this dance was very ancient is plain from Homer, who hints at it in several descriptions, and makes the exact form and manner of it to be engraved on the shield of Achilles given him by Vulcan. The manner of the performance seems to have consisted chiefly in nimbly turning of the body, and shifting every part, as if done to avoid the stroke of an enemy; and therefore, this was one of the exercises in which they trained the young soldiers. Apuleius describes a Pyrrhic dance performed by young men and maids together, which alone would be enough to distinguish it from the Ludus Trojae. Julius Scaliger tells us of himself, that while a youth, he often danced the Pyrrhica before the emperor Maximilian, to the amazement of all Germany; and that the emperor was once so surprised at his warlike activity, as to cry out, "This boy was either born in a coat of mail instead of a skin, or else has been rocked in one instead of a cradle."

QUIRINUS, name of Mars, from Curis or Quiris, a spear, which name was afterwards attributed to Romulus, because he was esteemed the son of Mars. Quirinus is the name of Mars when he is quiet, as is Gradivus when he rages; under both he had temples at Rome.

SABAZIA, a Greek festival, dedicated either to. Jupiter Sabazius, or to Bacchus, surnamed Sabazius, from the Sabae, a people of Thrace…
SABAZIUS, a surname both of Jupiter and of Bacchus.

SACAEA, an ancient festival of the Persians and Babylonians, so called from a people of Scythia, named Sacae. Strabo gives the following account of the origin of this festival: The Sacae, says he, were a nation of Scythians, inhabiting near the Caspian sea, who often made incursions into Persia, and at last possessed themselves of Bactriana, and the greatest part of Armenia. One day when they were celebrating a feast, the Persian emperor on a sudden attacked, and entirely defeated them. After this victory, the Persians covered over with earth a large stone in the middle of the field, and raised a kind of mountain upon it, which they surrounded with a wall; and having built there a temple, dedicated it to the goddess Anaitis, and the gods Amanus and Anaudatus, divinities of Persia; they established a festival also called Sacaea, in memory of their victory over the Sacaea. Some, according to the same historian, ascribe this victory to the great Cyrus, as related under the article Anaitis. This festival continued five days, during which, the masters and their slaves exchanged conditions, as was practised in the Roman Saturnalia. One of the ceremonies of the Sacaea consisted in chusing a prisoner condemned to death, and allowing him all the pleasures and gratifications he could wish before he was carried to execution.

SALII, priests of Mars, an order among the Romans instituted by Numa, to take care of the sacred bucklers called Ancylia. They had their name Salii, a saliendo, from leaping and dancing. They lived in a body, and composed a college consisting of twelve, a like number with that of the sacred bucklers which they preserved. The three seniors governed the rest, of whom the first had the name of Praesul, the second, of Vates, and the other of Magister. Tullus Hostilius afterwards added to the college twelve more Salii, in consequence of a vow he made in the battle with the Sabines; and therefore, for distinction sake, the twelve first were generally called Salii Palatini, from Mount Palatine, whence they began their processions; the other Salii Collini, or Agonenses, from Mount Quirinus, sometimes called Mons Agonalis, where they had a chapel on one of its highest ascents. In the month of March was their great feast, when they carried the Ancylia, their sacred charge, about the city. At this procession they were habited in a short scarlet cassock, having round them a broad belt clasped with brass buckles; on their head they wore a brazen helmet, and in their hands short swords. They also carried a sort of thin plates, worked into the shapes of men and women, which they called ipsiles, or subsiles, and ipsulae, and subsulae. In this manner they proceeded with a nimble motion, keeping just measures with their feet, and very pleasingly demonstrating great strength and agility by the various turnings and evolutions of their bodies, striking upon the Ancylia with their swords. As they passed, they sung a set of old verses called Carmen Saliare, composed by Numa, their founder. Their chief, the Praesul, led the band, and began the dance, the rest joining in his harmony and motions. Sextus Pompeius mentions Salian maids, virgines Saliares, hired for the purpose, and joined with the Salii. Alexander ab Alexandre has observed, that the entertainments of these priests upon their solemn festivals, were exceedingly costly and magnificent; with all the variety of music, garlands, perfumes, &c. and therefore Horace uses dapes saliares for delicious meats, as he does pontificum coenae, for great regalias! This priesthood was very august, and usually exercised by the chief persons of the empire: thus Appius Claudius, Scipio, Africanus, and the emperor Titus, were of the college of the Salii. See Ancyle.

- "They also carried a sort of thin plates, worked into the shapes of men and women, which they called ipsiles, or subsiles, and ipsulae, and subsulae" - не иконы ли это были или их прообразы? Кстати, слово ряса, cassock, возможно происходит от "казак":

Not to be confused with Cossack.
The cassock, an item of clerical clothing, is an ankle-length robe worn by clerics of the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Anglican Church, Lutheran Church and some ministers and ordained officers of Presbyterian and Reformed churches.
The cassock derives historically from the tunic that in ancient Rome was worn underneath the toga and the chiton that was worn beneath the himation in ancient Greece.
The word "cassock" comes from Middle French "casaque", meaning a long coat. In turn, the old French word may come ultimately from Turkish "quzzak" (nomad, adventurer - the source of the word "Cossack"), an allusion to their typical riding coat, or from Persian کژاغند "kazhāgand" (padded garment) - کژ "kazh" (raw silk) + آغند "āgand" (stuffed).<1>

cassock (n.)
mid-16c., from M.Fr. casaque "long coat" (26c.), probably ultimately from Turk. quzzak "nomad, adventurer," (the source of Cossack), from their typical riding coat. Or perhaps from Arabic kazagand, from Pers. kazhagand "padded coat," from kazh "raw silk" + agand "stuffed."

http://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/риза 1.религ. верхнее облачение священника при богослужении 2.религ. согласно евангелию — одежды Христа 3.истор. парадное, богато украшенное царское одеяние в Древней Руси 4.религ. металлическая обшивка, оклад на иконе

SATURNALIA... Some ascribe their institution to the Pelasgi, who were cast upon the isle of Delos; others to Hercules, and others to Janus. Goropius Becanus makes Noah the author of them. That patriarch, he tells us, in the ark instituted a feast to be held in the tenth month, because in that month the tops of the mountains began to appear above the water... Vossius goes still higher, and will have it, that the Saturn in honour of whom this feast was instituted, was Adam... M. Dacier observes, that the Saturnalia were not only celebrated in honour of Saturn, but also to preserve the remembrance of the Golden Age, when all the world was on a level...

SATURNUS, SATURN.... Vesta in the stead, delivered him a stone, which being swaddled like a child, he swallowed. This stone had the name of The Potent Father, and received divine honours, as is related under the article Abadir.
...Some learned men, and amongst them Vossius, derive the history of Saturn from that of Adam. Saturn, they say, was the father and king of the Golden Age, and the same may be said of Adam, during his abode in the terrestrial paradise: Adam, after he had sinned, hid himself from the sight of God; and Saturn, after he was dethroned, concealed himself in Italy. Saturn was the son of Coelus and Terra, that is, heaven and earth; and Adam was created by God out of the dust of the earth. Others, and some of the best writers, take Saturn to have been the same with Noah, who was the father of all mankind after the deluge, and the king of another Golden Age. But the principal resemblance between Noah and Saturn lies in their immediate posterity, each having three sons... Again, in the time of Noah, the whole earth spoke one language; and it is said that in Saturn's reign, there was but one language. Noah is called a Man of the Earth, and Saturn may be justly so stiled, having married Vesta or Tellus. Noah was the first planter of vineyards; thus the art of cultivating vines is attributed to Saturn. Noah preserved himself by virtue of a ship; so did Saturn, by his flight into Italy, in such a vessel. Jupiter castrated his father Saturn; so Ham saw his father's nakedness, and told, or cut off, for so it might in the Hebrew be read... Selden imagines Moloch and Saturn to be the same: there are also authors who contend, that Saturn was the same with Nimrod, founder of the Babylonish empire...

SERAPIS... Some of the ancients, as Julius Firmicus, Ruffinus, and others, fancied that Serapis was no other than the patriarch Joseph; but all the reason they give for this opinion is, that this god was usually represented by an image with a bushel on his head, which they think denoted the bushel wherewith Joseph measured out corn to the Egyptians in the time of their famine; but it might as well signify the corn with which Ptolemy purchased this deity of the Sinopeans. Vossius will have Serapis to be the same as Apis, another Egyptian deity, and pretends that Serapis is no other than Apis n lo^u, Apis in his coffin... Eusebius calls Serapis the prince of devils. In his figures he is represented with a flasket or bushel on his head, and near him lay a creature with three heads, a dog's on the right side, a wolf's on the left, and a lion's in the middle; a snake with his folds encompassed them whose head hung down by the god's right hand, with which he bridled this terrible monster...
- трехголовая тварь рядом с Сераписом - все тот же Цербер?

SILENUS... others, son of Pan and a Nymph; whilst there are those who pretend him to have sprung of the drops of blood issuing from Coelus, when castrated by his son Saturn. Some say he was born at Malea, a city of Sparta; others, at Nysa in Arabia; but the most probable conjecture is, that he was a prince of Caria, noted for his equity and wisdom... He however distinguished himself greatly in the war with the Giants, by appearing in the conflict on his ass, whose braying threw them into confusion; for which reason, or because, when Bacchus engaged the Indians, their elephants were put to flight by the braying of his ass, it was raised to the skies, and there made a constellation. The Historians tell us, that Silenus was the first of all the kings that reigned at Nysa; that his original is not known, it being beyond the memory of mortals: ...Virgil makes Silenus deliver a very serious and excellent discourse concerning the creation of the world when he was scarce recovered out of a fit of drunkenness, which renders it probable, that the sort of drunkenness with which Silenus is charged had something in it mysterious, and approaching to inspiration. Silenus is described as a short corpulent old man, bald-headed, with a flat nose, prominent forehead, and long ears. He is usually exhibited as over-loaden with wine, and seated on a saddled ass, upon which he supports himself with a long staff in the one hand, and in the other carries a cantharus or jug, with the handle worn out almost with frequent use. Bochart runs a parallel between Silenus and the Messiah; and says, that every thing attributed to this imaginary deity is taken from what the prophets have foretold of Jesus Christ. Thus, it is said, the Messiah shall be the instructor of the people, and Silenus is made preceptor of Bacchus; it is said that our Saviour shall bind his ass to the vine, and his colt to the young vine; so Silenus is made to ride upon an ass: our Saviour washed his garments in blood, as those who trod the winepress; so Silenus was made to preside over those who pressed the vintage: it is added, his eyes were red by reason of wine; and Silenus was made always fuddled. Bochart advances all this with a deal of distrust: he adds, that the devil invented the fable of Silenus to turn the mysteries of our religion into ridicule. In reply to which it may be observed, that nobody before Bochart, Christian or Idolater, ever saw any thing of Jesus Christ in the fable of Silenus. Others make Silenus only an emblematical character in one of the religious ceremonies of the Egyptians.
- возможно, Силен имеет общие черты и атрибуты с Христом, тот же осел... Хотя, появившись на осле во время гигантомахии, с помощью крика осла Силен привел в замешательство гигантов, м.б. поэтому Силен стал участником индийского похода Диониса. Не является ли этот "осел" также образом пушки? Нет ли связи с пушкарем Ослябей? Кстати, м.б. и "Христос" или его прообраз мог въехать с триумфом в Иерусалим на пушке? Силен от слова "сильный"? Кроме того внешность Силена может напомнить внешность Сократа, Алкивиад у Платона сравнивает Сократа со статуей Силена. При этом Силен считается обладателем сокровенной мудрости и знания о будущем, которыми поделился с царем Мидасом (алхимиком?), с которым 10 дней пировал. Кстати, Марсий тоже сатир или силен. Гефест, доставленный на Олимп на осле, опьяненный Дионисом, при этом изображаемый с уродливыми ногами, словно копытцами - возможно, отражение того же образа.

Силен — в древнегреческой мифологии демон, сатир, сын Гермеса и нимфы, воспитатель, наставник и спутник Диониса;
Благодаря своей конской породе силены были родственны также фессалийским кентаврам.
Местом рождения силена, играющего роль в сказаниях о Дионисе, считается во многих сказаниях Фракийская Ниса, где он был царём.
Могила одного Силена находится в стране евреев, а другого — у жителей Пергама<3>.
Силен был пойман фракийскими селянами и отведен к Мидасу, Мидас 10 дней пировал с ним<11>. Попав к царю во власть, силен открыл ему сокровенное знание о природе вещей и поведал будущее. Согласно Феопомпу, Силен рассказал Мидасу о большом материке, лежащем за пределами обитаемого мира<12>.

SYLVANUS... Many writers confound the Sylvani, Fauni, Satyri, and Sileni with Pan; and Fenestrella expressly says that Pan, Sylvanus, and Faunus, were one and the same deity.

TALUS ...Plato, in his Minos, writes of him thus: "Talus and Rhadamanthus were the assistants of Minos in the execution of his laws: it was the office of Talus to visit all parts of Crete thrice every year, to enforce them with the utmost severity. Talus is fabled to be formed of brass, because the laws, which he carried with him in his circuit, were engraven upon brazen tables. It is not improbable but the fable of the bursting of the vein above the ancle of Talus, by which he died, arose from the manner of punishment practised by him, which was by the opening of a vein above the ancles of criminals, and letting them bleed to death."
- вот те на, оказывается, по Платону, законы, которые Талос нес с собой, объезжая трижды в год весь Крит, были выгравированы на бронзовых досках, таблицах - скрижалях? Согласно ФиН, скрижали Моисея, т.е. обломки метеорита, хранились в ковчеге завета в скинии - походной кузнице израильтян.

Temple, or Tower of Belus. As the temple of Belus is allowed to be the most ancient of any in ihe Pagan world, so its structure was also the most curious… This temple, commonly called the Tower of Babel...
Temple of Diana at Ephesus... Pindar, in one of his odes, says, it was built by the Amazons when they were going to make war upon the Athenians and Theseus; but Pausanias tells us, that Croesus and Ephesus were the founders of it; ...Dionysius, the geographer, informs us, there was one yet more ancient, built by the Amazons...
- храм Дианы Эфесской, одно из семи чудес света (он же храм св. Софии в Стамбуле, согласно ФиН), по версии Пиндара, построен амазонками, когда они собирались на войну с афинянами и Тесеем. По Павсанию, Крез и Эфес построили его. Дионисий географ считает, что существовал более древний храм, построенный амазонками. Так же как и на месте св. Софии возможно существовал более древний храм, м.б. готический.

TRIOCULUS, an epithet of Jupiter among the Greeks, who thought he had three eyes, with one of which he observed the affairs of heaven, with another those of the earth, and with the third those of the sea. There was a statue of Jupiter of this sort in Priam's palace at Troy, which beside the usual eyes had a third in the forehead.
TRIPHTHALMUS, an epithet of Jupiter among the Greeks, of the same import with that of Trioculus, which see.
- эпитет Юпитера Трехглазый - как циклоп? Шива?

TRITONIA, a name of Minerva, from the lake Triton, near which she was born.
- это в некой Ливии, где было много лесов, в которых прятались многочисленные горгоны от амазонок.

TYPHON, an Egyptian god, probably the same with the Greek Typhoeus... M. Jurieu has drawn a kind of parallel between Moses and Typhon, which last he takes to be the same with the Greek Typhoeus. "The name of Typhon," says he, "signifies, in the Hebrew and Phoenician languages, inundation, and this name is applicable to Moses, who caused the Egyptians and their king, to be drowned in the Red sea. Typhon was the grand enemy of the Egyptian gods; this respects the declaration made by God to Moses when he instituted the passover, against all the gods of Egypt I will exercise judgment. Typhon joined with seventy-two conspirators to kill his brother; this is Moses, who led the children of Israel out of Egypt, and governed them in the wilderness, with the help of seventy elders. Typhon was the brother of Osiris; Moses was reputed the son of Pharaoh's daughter, and consequently, related to the king of Egypt. Typhon, having been defeated, fled away upon an ass for seven days; here we have the flight of Moses and the Israelites, and the institution of the seventh day, or the Sabbath." These are the principal circumstances of the parallel, and the reader will judge of the correspondence.

VISTNU, Or VIXNU, a god of the Mogul Tartars...
- оказывается, Вишну - бог могольских тартар, а не индусов.

VITZIPUTZLI, the chief deity of the Mexicans: his idol was made of a very precious wood, and he was represented under the human shape, seated in a chair of sky-coloured blue, and supported by a litter, with four serpent's heads at the four corners. The forehead of the idol was of a blue colour, and had a blue streak across the nose, extending from ear to ear: under his feet was an azure globe representing the heavens: he had on his head a helmet of feathers of different colours made in the shape of a bird, the bill and tuft of which were burnished with gold : in his right hand he held a snake, and in his left a buckler covered with five white feathers set crosswise, and the same number of arrows: his countenance was hideous and severe. He was placed on a very high altar, and surrounded with curtains. The Mexicans ascribed their settlement in that country to the direction of Vitziputzli. The first inhabitants were a set of savages, and were subdued by the Mexicans, under the conduct of Mexi, their captain and law-giver. These latter were a northern people, and undertook this expedition at the command of their god, who promised them success. Mexi marched at the head of these adventurers, and four priests carried Vitziputzli in a trunk or chest made of reeds. Whenever they encamped they erected a tabernacle in the midst of the camp, and placed the little chest or ark upon an altar. They never marched nor encamped without first consulting the idol, and implicitly receiving his orders. Being at last arrived at the promised land, the god appeared to a priest in a dream, and commanded him to settle in that part of the lake where an eagle should be found sitting on a figtree growing out of a rock. The priest related his vision, and the place being found by the signs pre-appointed, they there laid the foundations of Mexico. This celebrated city was divided into four quarters or districts, and in the middle was placed the tabernacle of Vitziputzli, till a proper temple should be built to receive him. The reader cannot but observe that this story of the first coming of the Mexicans into Mexico agrees, in many circumstances, with that of the entrance of the Israelites into the land of Canaan: whence this should happen is not easy to conjecture.
- история прихода мексиканцев в Мексику во главе с их законодателем Мекси или Мехи (Моисеем, очевидно) сильно похожа на историю прихода израильтян в землю ханаанскую, что по мнению автора, труднообъяснимо. Причем пришли они с севера. И основали Мехико (Иерусалим).

VULCANUS, VULCAN... The Vulcan here spoken of was thought by some to have been the child of Juno alone, conceived by the help of the wind, and the strength of her own imagination... Cacus, Caeculus, and Erichthonius were also accounted his children...
...the Egyptians depicted him proceeding from an egg, placed in the mouth of Jupiter, to denote the radical or natural heat diffused through all created beings... — If we examine into the meaning of this fable, many difficulties will occur; Banier tells us that, in Egypt, Vulcan was husband of Minerva, and in Greece he had Venus to wife, while Minerva passed among them for a virgin goddess: in Egypt he had a share in the government of the world; in Greece only the command of some "blacksmiths. Some historians tell us that Vulcan was one of the first kings of Egypt, who for his goodness was deified; and they add that Menes erected a noble temple in memory of him at Thebes. The Phoenicians adored him by the name of Chrysor, and thought him the author and cause of lightning, and of all fiery exhalations. Other writers again confound Vulcan with the Tubal Cain of Scripture...
...But if we wish to come at the probable meaning of this fable, there is a necessity for having again recourse to Egyptian antiquities. The Horus of the Egyptians was the most mutable figure on earth, for he assumed shapes suitable to all seasons, and to all ranks. To direct the husbandman he wore a rural dress; by a change of attributes he became the instructor of smiths and other artificers, whose instruments he appeared adorned with. This Horus of the smiths had a short or lame leg, to signify that agriculture or husbandry will halt without the assistance of the handicraft or mechanic arts. In this apparatus he was called Mulciber; (from Mulci, to direft and manage, and ber or beer, a cave or mine, comes Mulciber, the king of the mines or forges) he was called also Hephaistos, from Aph, father, and Esto, fire, comes Ephaisto, or Hephaiston, the father of fire; and from Wall, to work, and Canan, to hasten, comes Wolcan, Vulcan, or work finished; all which names the Greeks and Romans adopted with the figure, and as usual, converted from a symbol to a god. Now, as this Horus was removed from the side of the beautiful Isis, to make room for the martial Horus, exposed in time of war, it occasioned the jest of the assistants, and gave rise to the fable of Vulcan's being supplanted by the God of War in the affections of his wife. Of the solidity however of such explanations the reader must judge for himself.
- по одной версии, Вулкан был зачат одной Юноной с помощью ветра и воображения - очевидно вариант непорочного зачатия.