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87017, Викрамадитья и вампир
Послано guest, 28-10-2012 00:54
в Индии тоже есть аналог истории о Соломоне и поимке Асмодея-Китовраса-Мерлина. Там это некий вампир или вампироподобное существо:

In India, for example, tales of vetālas, ghoul-like beings that inhabit corpses, have been compiled in the Baitāl Pacīsī; a prominent story in the Kathāsaritsāgara tells of King Vikramāditya and his nightly quests to capture an elusive one.<65>

Веталы — в индийской мифологии вампироподобные злые духи, которые могут вселятся в мертвецов и заставлять их действовать как живые люди. Входят в свиту бога Шивы.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vetala is a ghost-like being from Hindu mythology. The vetala are defined as spirits inhabiting corpses and charnel grounds.
A sorcerer once asked King Vikramaditya to capture a vetala who lived in a tree that stood in the middle of a cremation ground. The only way to do that was by keeping silent. Every time Vikramaditya caught the vetala, the vetala would enchant the king with a story that would end with a question. No matter how hard he tried, Vikramaditya would not be able to resist answering the question. This would enable the vetala to escape and return to his tree. The stories of the vetala have been compiled in the book Baital Pachisi.

- причем обитал этот ветала в дереве посреди площадки для кремации! Крест голгофский?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charnel_ground = http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шмашана шмаша́н (санскр. श्मशान, çmaçāna IAST, «кладбище») — в индуизме место, куда приносят умерших для сожжения на погребальном костре<1>.
Со шмашаной прочно ассоциируется и Шива, который, покрыв себя белым пеплом и надев ожерелье из черепов, исполняет на ней свой танец самхара-тандава, символ гибели вселенной<5>.

смотрите, как пишут о вампирах в христианском контексте:
As various regions of the continent converted to Christianity, the vampire was viewed as "a dead person who retained a semblance of life and could leave its grave-much in the same way that Jesus had risen after his death and burial and appeared before his followers."<73> In the Middle Ages, the Christian Church reinterpreted vampires from their previous folk existence into minions of Satan, and used an allegory to communicate a doctrine to Christians: "Just as a vampire takes a sinner's very spirit into itself by drinking his blood, so also can a righteous Christian by drinking Christ's blood take the divine spirit into himself."<74><75> The interpretation of vampires under the Christian Church established connotations that are still associated in the vampire genre today.<9> For example, the "ability of the cross to hurt and ward off vampires is distinctly due to its Christian association."<10><76>
- в оживших вампирах можно увидеть параллель с воскресением Христа. Но позже это было реинтерпретировано церковью как сатанизм. Вампир пьет кровь, так же как и христианин вкушает кровь и плоть Христа, исполняясь божьим духом.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikram%C4%81ditya was a legendary 1st century BCE emperor of Ujjain, India, famed for his wisdom, valour and magnanimity. According to the Pratisarga Parva of Bhavisya purana, he was the second son of Ujjain's King Gandharvasena of the Paramara dynasty.
For 16th century Hindu king Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramadityaa, see Hemu.
- Викрамадитья - известный император 1 в. до н.э. Но оказывается, был и другой Викрамадитья в 16 веке:

Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya (also known as Hemu Vikramaditya, Raja Vikramaditya or simply Hemu) (1501–5 November 1556) was a Hindu emperor of north India during the sixteenth century AD, a period when Mughals and Afghans were vying for power in the region.
...came to the conclusion that he had a better claim to the throne for himself rather than on behalf of Adil Shah and ventured to assume the royal state under the style of Raja Vikramaditya or Vikramaditya, a title borne by several renowned Hindu Kings in ancient times. Hemu assumed the royal robes and declared himself the Emperor of India under the title of Vikramaditya.<45><6>
...his body was placed in a gibbet outside Purana Quila in Delhi to terrorise the Hindus.
After Hemu's death, a massacre of Hemu's community and followers was ordered by Bairam Khan. Thousands were beheaded and towers of skulls built with their heads, to instil terror among the Hindus.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Samrat_Hem_Chandra_Vikramaditya.jp g
Hemu, who was supplier of Food items, Cannons and Gun Powder to Sher Shah Suri, chief Advisor to his son Islam Shah from 1545 to 1553, Prime Minister-cum-Chief of Army of Adil Shah Suri, a virtual king from 1553-56, established Hindu Raj in North India from Delhi on 7th Oct. 1556, was defeated and killed in the Second Battle of Panipat, in 1556. Here (bazaar art, 1910's) he's reimagined in very Mughal courtly style, and glorified in Hindi, Persian (from the Akbar-namah), and English, as "the last Hindu emperor of Hindustan"-- with his genius certified by the Imperial Gazetteer.

ХЕМУ (г. рожд. неизв. - 1556) - в ср.-век. Индии военачальник, претендент на престол Великих Моголов. Индус из касты торговцев селитрой, возвысился при наследниках Шер-шаха Сура и стал при Адил-шахе Суре гл. советником и фактически правителем империи. После вторичного воцарения Великого Могола Хумаюна в 1555 - главнокомандующий армией Адил-шаха. После смерти Хумаюна в 1556 отвоевал у Моголов Гвалиор, Агру и Дели и короновался под именем Викрамадитьи. В решающей битве с армией сына Хумаюна - Акбара под Панипатом в 1556 был разбит и казнен на поле битвы моголами.
Советская историческая энциклопедия. — М.: Советская энциклопедия . Под ред. Е. М. Жукова. 1973—1982.