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Название темыRE: stall – стойло
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=268&topic_id=1350&mesg_id=5630
5630, RE: stall – стойло
Послано pl, 08-05-2016 22:14
stall – стойло, конюшня, киоск, палатка; потеря скорости, см. «stale», «stable»

stall (n.1) (из староанглийского «steall» - место остановки, остановка, стойло); из протогерманского *stalla- ; из PIE корня *stel- стоять
"place in a stable for animals," Old English steall "standing place, position, state; place where cattle are kept, fishing ground," from Proto-Germanic *stalla- (cognates: Old Norse stallr "pedestal for idols, altar; crib, manger," Old Frisian stal, Old High German stall "stand, place, stable, stall," German Stall "stable," Stelle "place"), from PIE root *stel- "to put, stand," with derivatives referring to a standing object or place (cognates: Greek stele "standing block, slab," stellein "to set in order, arrange, array, equip, make ready;" Latin stolidus "insensible, dull, brutish," properly "unmovable").

1) Стойло
2) Встал, устал (в значении остановки)
3) Стул – в значении сиденья