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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=268&topic_id=1&mesg_id=151
151, RE: Аwait - ждать, ожидать
Послано guest, 05-08-2013 05:49
await – ждать, ожидать.

await (v.)
early 13c., awaiten, from Old North French awaitier (Old French agaitier) "to lie in wait for, watch, observe," from a- "to" (see ad-) + waitier "to watch" (see wait (v.)). Originally especially with a hostile sense. Related: Awaited; awaiting.

wait (v.) (смотреть со вниманием, лежать в засаде); из старосеверофранцузского с тем же смыслом; из франкского «wachton» - охранять, бодрствовать. Оставаться в одном и том же месте.
c.1200, "to watch with hostile intent, lie in wait for," from Old North French waitier "to watch" (Old French gaitier, Modern French guetter), from Frankish *wahton (cf. Dutch wacht "a watching," Old High German wahten, German wachten "to watch, to guard;" Old High German wahhon "to watch, be awake," Old English wacian "to be awake;" see wake (v.)). General sense of "remain in some place" is from late 14c.; that of "to see to it that something occurs" is late 14c. Meaning "to stand by in attendance on" is late 14c.; specific sense of "serve as an attendant at a table" is from 1560s. Related: Waited; waiting.

To wait (something) out "endure a period of waiting" is recorded from 1909, originally American English, in reference to baseball batters trying to draw a base on balls. Waiting game is recorded from 1890. Waiting room is attested from 1680s. Waiting list is recorded from 1897; the verb wait-list "to put (someone) on a waiting list" is recorded from 1960.

wait (n.) (сторож)
early 13c., "a watcher, onlooker," from Old North French wait, Old French gaite, from gaitier (see wait (v.)). From late 14c. as "an ambush, a trap" (as in lie in wait).

Это русское слово «видеть». Отсюда и вахта. Франкское «wahton» – виден. Все правильно, часового должны видеть.
ВИДЕН – ВДН – замена «д» - «t» - VDN – V(h)TN. “H” – просто придыхание.