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Название темыRE: Су(о)веринитет
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=268&topic_id=1350&mesg_id=1390
1390, RE: Су(о)веринитет
Послано guest, 24-11-2012 21:58
В эту же копилку:
sovereignty (n.) Look up sovereignty at Dictionary.com
mid-14c., "pre-eminence," from Anglo-Fr. sovereynete, from O.Fr. souverainete, from soverain (see sovereign). Meaning "authority, rule" is recorded from late 14c.; sense of "existence as an independent state" is from 1715.
sovereign Look up sovereign at Dictionary.com
late 13c., from O.Fr. soverain, from V.L. *superanus "chief, principal," from L. super "over" (see super-). Spelling influenced by folk-etymology association with reign. Milton spelled it sovran, as though from It. sovrano. Meaning "gold coin worth 22s 6d" first recorded late 15c.; value changed 1817 to 1 pound. As an adjective, attested from early 14c.; of remedies or medicines, "potent in a high degree," from late 14c.
1826 -
Sovereign - a supreme lord, a king - F. souverain, It. sovrano, Sp. sobrano, L. supernus. Вот так, от слова "собрание". Супер - просто "сверх" (в - v - u). Так что, вряд ли "собрание", скорее, все-таки первая версия. Хотя, конечно, соблазнительно - собиратель земель. А про "независимость" с 1715 - соврамши. Почему тогда в 1826 такого значения нет?