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Название темыRE: till (1) – до, пока
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=268&topic_id=3783&mesg_id=5940
5940, RE: till (1) – до, пока
Послано pl, 12-07-2016 20:26
till (1) – до, пока, см. «still», «until», «to», «terra», «term»

till (prep.) (староанглийское «til» - до); из старонорвежского «til» - до; из протогерманского *tilan
"until," Old English til (Northumbrian) "to," from Old Norse til "to, until," from Proto-Germanic *tilan (source also of Danish til, Old Frisian til "to, till," Gothic tils "convenient," German Ziel "limit, end, goal"). A common preposition in Scandinavian, serving in the place of English to, probably originally the accusative case of a noun now lost except for Icelandic tili "scope," the noun used to express aim, direction, purpose (as in aldrtili "death," literally "end of life"). Also compare German Ziel "end, limit, point aimed at, goal,"

Til, Sax. – до; G., Swed. “til”; S., Scot. “till”, т.е. «даль, длю» - ДЛ – DL – TL

Другой вариант – стал, стылый – СТЛ – (S) TL – TLL

В немецком «Ziel», по всей вероятности, два слова:
1) Даль
2) Цель