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Название темыRE: Хлеб
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=268&topic_id=983&mesg_id=1080
1080, RE: Хлеб
Послано guest, 10-03-2013 23:00
Для справки:
loaf (n.)
late 13c., from Old English hlaf "portion of bread baked in a mass of definite form," from Proto-Germanic *khlaibuz (cf. Old Norse hleifr, Swedish lev, Old Frisian hlef, Old High German hleib, German Laib, Gothic hlaifs "bread, loaf"), of uncertain origin, perhaps connected to Old English hlifian "to raise higher, tower," on the notion of the bread rising as it bakes, but it is unclear whether "loaf" or "bread" is the original sense. Finnish leipä, Old Church Slavonic chlebu, Lithuanian klepas probably are Germanic loan words. Meaning "chopped meat shaped like a bread loaf" is attested from 1787.