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Тема: "Кино. Открываем глаза." Предыдущая Тема | Следующая Тема
jura23-07-2006 02:29
Участник с 15-07-2005 00:54
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"Кино. Открываем глаза."


Одним из способов уверений в собственной правоте является кино.
И, конечно же, на исторические (!) темы - как же без них?
нарисовали римлян на экране - а подсознательно мысль работает
- "вот римлянин. хоть это фильм, но ведь консультанты и специалисты сильно не ошибутся. занчит так оно и было..."
(вовсе не призываю, изучать историю по голливудским бредням, но всё же некоторую информаию, и ход мысли можно проследить.)

Сайт с разбором ошибок в фильмах:

< http://www.moviemistakes.com >
< http://www.moviemistakes.com/top.php >

"Гладиатор" < http://www.moviemistakes.com/film541 >
печатная версия < http://www.moviemistakes.com/printfilm541 >
(У фильмов есть возможность выделить ошибки по категориям - комбобокс справа. Но в печатной версии они свалены в кучу )
In the scene where Maximus is finding his wife and son's bodies there are two chickens to his left. One of these is definitely a Rhode Island Red hen. This breed of chicken was developed upwards of 1,700 years after Roman times in the US state of Rhode Island.

While in his tent, Marcus Aurelius shows Maximus a sword with the inscription "MARCUS AURELIUS FECIT" (Marcus Aurelius made ). The Roman alphabet did not include the letter U until the Middle Ages; V was used instead. Thus, the inscription should have read "MARCVS AVRELIVS FECIT".


"Троя" < http://www.moviemistakes.com/film4152 >

"Александр" < http://www.moviemistakes.com/film4636 >
(Factual error: The backdrop to the party scene in India shows a large building with glass windows. The Romans were the first to use glass windows some 300 years later. )

"Spartacus (1960)" - < http://www.moviemistakes.com/film1203 >

"Код ДаВинчи" < http://www.bookmistakes.com/book5681 >

Набрёл в документах на старый файл с ошибками в фильме Гладиатор, и что оказалось - исчезла целая категория, поэтому скопирую - на сайте её уже нет:


How did all the gladiators understand each other? They wouldn't have all spoken the same language... < Greek was known throughout the world at that time >.

When the slaves have their first big fight in the Roman colosseum, Djimon Honsou's character throws a weapon to Russell Crowe, addressing him as "Maximus". However, this is before he had revealed his real name to anyone, and he was simply called "Spaniard". He doesn't reveal his name until the fight is over, and the Emperor comes out to meet him. < He might already have told his friends his real name, off camera. >

During the first battle, Maximus has a dog with him, and it runs into bat During the first battle, Maximus has a dog with him, and it runs into battle with the men. What happens to the dog? If it isn't important, then why did they even bother to have it in the first place? < Dogs were used to find a route through fire - so the cavalry wouldn't end up in a burning circle. If you listen to the director's commentary on the DVD version, he said they were going to have the dog killed in the tent when the soldiers took Maximus to kill him, but took out the scene because they thought it was too depressing. >

The legionaries all draw their swords across their bodies, the swords being in hilts on their left, but Roman soldiers actually carried swords on their right, and twisted their hands round to draw them. < Not necessarily. The sword on the right side is something which was typical for the earlier days of Rome. by the time Marcus Aurelius was emperor, Roman troops wore their swords on the left. Not to mention that cavalry and officers always had the sword on the left. >

The Emperor tells Maximus that his son "squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross". But we've seen that he was trampled by the horses, so: what did they crucify him for and how could he have squealed? The Emperor could be just lying, but anyway he says "nailed him to the cross" and there was no such a cross (what we see looks like they were hung). < Commodus said that because he wanted Maximus to charge at him so the guards could kill him. If Maximus attacked the Emperor, there would be good reason to kill him, and it wouldn't just be a murder. >

The Emperors' box was on the second level (first tier) in the colosseum, and he would never be so close to the fights as he could have been hit by a stray arrow, spear or a gladiator could have just walked up and stabbed him. < The only reason the Emperor's box was on the first tier was because that's the only tier that was built. >

When Maximus nails Titus' foot to the ground, Titus bends over and blood pours from the mouth of his mask, is there some connection with the foot and mouth? Was the dreaded "Foot and Mouth" disease present then? < He'd just been hit in the face by Maximus' shield >

When Maximus asks how long the messengers had been gone, the guy replied in hours. The concept of the 24 hour clock had not yet been thought of - it was thought of by a group of monks who needed to know when to start their morning prayers in the 1330's. < The Romans divided the time from dawn till dusk into 12 "hora" (hour) (length depending on the season). They divided the night into 4 "vigilia" >.

Throughout the film, Maximus refers to his home back in Spain, and he is called "The Spaniard" in gladiatorial contests. Spain as a nation, or even as a concept, did not exist until much later. That land was known to the Romans as Iberia, and Maximus would therefore be called an Iberian, NOT a Spaniard. < Some people have said it derives from Hispania, but there wasn't a Roman province called "Hispania". The provinces were "Baetica", "Tarraconensis", etc. "Hispania" was a general concept, purely geographical (like Scandinavia now). They could call him "Hispanicus". But "Spaniard" is a poor choice, because it comes from "Spain" and Spain is not "Hispania", like you could not call a Roman, an "Italian". >

The very first scene is a winter battle. Romans did not fight in winter. In winter supplies and logistics were too hard to manage at the same time as expanding an Empire. Everyone stayed at home (or guarded frontiers). < If they felt there was a large advantage to be gained by attacking in winter the Romans would advance, for example, Julius Caesar advanced against Vergentorix during the Gallic campaigns to catch him off guard. >

The tigers used in the Maximus vs. Titus battle would not have been used on gladiators, they cost too much, the animals were only used against slaves and people to be executed. < But Commodus wanted the odds stacked against Maximus - a special occasion >

When Maximus's master is purchasing the slaves he tells the guy that he will give hime 2 for the slaves and 4 for the beasts (or the other way around) and then tells him that it is 5000. < This is bulk buying - individually they're priced at 2000 and 4000, but because he's buying both, and is an "old friend", he wants a discount >.


оказалось что ещё убрали и некоторые другие сообщения об ошибках - я не буду сравнивать, но вот к примеру:

In the arena Maximus says to Commodus that he is a commander of Felix legion - in the Germania battle scene there is a flag with FELIX III written on it. According to Graham Webster (The Roman Imperial Army, GB 1996, pages 109-113) there was no legion called Felix. In that time there was a III legion called Italica Concors raised by Marcus Aurelius in AD 165, but possibly that was too complicated...



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