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Начало Форумы Новая Хронология Тема #49188
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Астрахань16-02-2017 16:16
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"Поиграем в хронологию?"


Забавная игра начала девятнадцатого века:

Cruikshank, Isaac Robert, 1789-1856
Author Wallis, John
Title Wallis's new game of universal history and chronology
Game of 1814 entitled Wallis's new game of universal history and chronology; 138 circles, many without text. Explained in book of rules (lacking); Babylonish & Assurian empires founded (5); Kingdom of Egypt founded 18th centy. (6); Kingdom of Sicyon (7); Letters invented by Memmon (8); Athens founded by Lecrops (11); Ten tribes in the Jews revolt (15); Money first made (17); Rome founded (18); Babylon taken (21); Thermopyla (23); Old Testament ends (24); Socrates (25); Alexander (27); Darius (28); Dionysus (29); Civil War at Rome (31); Caesar in Britain (32); Death of Caesar (33); Census at Rome (34); Messiah born (35); London founded (38); Christianity in Britain (40); Jerusalem destroyed (41); Jew's banished (44); First Pope (45); Constantine (48); Fergus (49); Pharamond (50); Romans evacuate Britain (51); Saxon heptarchy (53); Dionycius (54); Manufacture of silk introduced (56); Mahomet born (58); Latin ceased to be spoken in Italy (59); St. Paul's (61); Mohamet dies (62); Jerusalem taken (63); Danes (64); Charlemagne (65); Egbert (66); Alfred the Great (70); Pope deposed (72); Paper used in England (73); Massacre of the Danes (74); Hastings (76); Tower Hill (77); Holy War (78); K. Henry in Ireland (81); Geography in England (84); Magna Charta (85); Austrian Empire founded (86); Wales united (88); Turkish Empire founded (89); Republic of Switzerland (91); France subdued (95); Wickliffe (96); Printing invented (97); Engraving invented (99); Columbus (101); South America (102); Gustavus Vasa (104); Shakespeare (107); New style introduced (109); K. Charles (111); First lottery (114); Kingdom of Prussia (115); George III (121); Longitude discovered (122); War with America (124); Botany Bay (127); Poland divided (130); Napoleon (134); G.P.R.; Wallis's new game of universal history and chronology


А чего, очень удобно обучать детей основам хронологии при помощи такой вот игры.

John Wallis, with his sons John Wallis Jr. and Edward Wallis, was the most prolific publisher of board games of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Most British board games about history that were created at this time were focused on events that specifically affected the British Isles. They often began with the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and were centered around George III. This board game is unusual because it begins with Adam and Eve. A reworked version of the game was published in about 1840, and instead of the portrait of George, there were five compartments that included King William IV and Queen Victoria, the marriage of Queen Victoria, and a railway train. (Source: A Collector's Guide to Games and Puzzles by Caroline Goodfellow, 1991)

Вот книжка, с правилами, как играть и с кратким описанием (почему-то кусками) этой самой хронологии, почитайте:


Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание на страницу 33, посвященную русской истории.

До Михаила Федоровича про эту страну известно мало (привет Ивану Грозному!)..затем в 1704 году Петр начал ее преображать, затем сразу рассказ про Екатерину.


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