#441. "о богах свейских: Велесе и Перуне!" Ответ на Ответ на 437
От Патрика Йенсена:
на острове Арста-Arsta на севере Швеции согласно мифологии свеев были в почёте Боги Велес и Перун!
сайт свейский historiska.se
Patrik Jensen If you visit Stockholm again, please visit the Årsta islands according to mythology were gods Veles and Perun about a widow and Peruns lightning struck right through the mountains and down to the underworld and the location down to the underworld is Årsta islands in Stockholm. I think the story is very funny. Swedish archaeologists are trained in Danish history bearings, they have not any faces illogical story. It is tetrapak billionaire having sponsored Birkas archeology. The EU contribution to archeology is very driven, standards. Could be an explanation why the archaeologists have merged 200 different kinds of people in a small area, and all speculating in DNA. He he. Northern Sweden has no financial resurer to pursue archeology. The city of Sundsvall in the middle of town is a boat that is in the water and the boat is perhaps older than the 1300s and the only one of its kind and best preserved. It is a disaster that does not take up. If you are on holiday in Sundsvall and see for yourself the archaeological trail so you can understand how great trade route has been. Finland, Russia, Ukraine and all the way to China. It takes too long for me to develop materials because I have it saved, which I regret. Der are roman coins before the time of Christ. Possibly, they are the historical Museet. Search the archaeological site of Medelpad. website historiska.se
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