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Осман02-04-2008 07:08
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#43. "RE: Йорос=Иеросалим"
Ответ на сообщение # 0


Есть некая информация со ссылкой на турецкий журнал 1978 года о том, что могилу Йуши открыл Яхья-эфенди, молочный брат Сулеймана I.

(*) It is said that Yahya Efendi, the foster brother of Sulayman the Magnificent, discovered the place of Hz. Yusha and repaired it. (Hayat Tarih, June 1978, 88) https://questionsonislam.com/article/prophet-yusha-joshua-peace-be-upon-him


There no documents indicating that Prophet Joshua died in Istanbul. Nevertheless, there is a great interest in this location. According to legend, Prophet Joshua's grave was discovered by Sheikh Yahya Efendi, who died in Beşiktaş. According to him: when Yavuz Sultan Selim I was a governor of Trabzon, his son, later to be Suleyman I, was born and a wet nurse hired. Seikh Yayhya Efendi was the son of this wet nurse. After about forty years, when suleyman became sultan, Yahya Efendi was a great scholar and an expert in Sufism. One day Yahya Efendi came to Istanbul to visit the sultan. Sultan Suleyman constructed two lodges for him, a winter house in Beşiktaş and a summer house in Anadolu Kavağı, Yahya Efendi had a dream when he was at the summerhouse. After this, Yahya Efendi and friends climbed the hill and started their search. Eventually they asked a shapherd if he had seen anything extraordinary on the hills. The shepherd took Yahya Efendi to the location where the grave is and said, "Sir, do you see this place? Even though is extremely green, the sheep do not step on it, they do not eat the grass from here, and they gor around it." Yahya Efendi then informed the sultan of this situation and constructed a tomb here. http://www.istanbulturkeybook.com/yusa-tepesi-joshuas-hill/

After becoming the governor, Sultan Sulaiman of Ottoman Empire ordered to build two darwish lounge at both European and Asian parts of Istanbul for his foster-brother Shaikh Yahya Efendi, who was a darwish and a shaikh. One day Shaikh Yahya Efendi saw someone in his dream, that he was calling as ‘ I am the Prophet Yoshua, visit me. I am in that hill, come and find me”. When he woke up, he really didn’t care about the dream he had a previous night and didn’t go to that hill.
Again next day, same person appears in his dream saying ; ‘You didn’t come. Come and find me tomorrow’.
After this, Shaikh Yahya Efendi makes research about Prophet Joshua’s tomb and he founds that his tomb is in Palestine according to the resources. After acknowledging this information, he decides not to care about dreams he keeps having. However, at the same day same dream hits him but this time Prophet Joshua appear very angry. Yahya Efendi goes to the hill immediately as he woke up!
Once he reach, he comes across with a shepherd. They start having conversation and Yahya Efendi asks if he has seen anything strange around this hill, as the shepherd had been working at the same area for quite long time. The shepherd points out a place ‘You see that grassed area?’ he asks. ”Whenever I bring my herd here, they never step on that area. They pass by all around but never step on that area or ate grass there”.
From that day on, Shaikh Yahya Efendi known as the only person who found the Prophet Joshua’s tomb. After this matter happened, he immidiately goes to Sultan Sulaiman and tells about the whole story. As soon as Sultan heard the story, he orders to protect this area by tomb and a mosque. https://www.halaltravelstyle.com/2017/11/07/visit-the-prophet-joshua-in-istanbul/

Хотя первое упоминание в оттоманский период - Эвлия Челеби:

Evliya Çelebi was the first person to mention these graves on Joshua’s Hill at the Ottoman periods. The famous traveler mentioned Yoros Castle, Servi Burnu on its vicinity and green area decorated with the cypresses around this place and told that people visited the Prophet Joshua on Joshua Mountain in his travelogue called Seyahatname (“Book of Travel”). http://www.ustamdan.com/tr/weekly/35/Mystical-Side-of-Istanbul


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